Student Temporary Employment Project Phase III Unit Liaison Meeting May 18, 2007 Susan MacDavitt, HRRIS Ann Tuttle, MAIS.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Temporary Employment Project Phase III Unit Liaison Meeting May 18, 2007 Susan MacDavitt, HRRIS Ann Tuttle, MAIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Temporary Employment Project Phase III Unit Liaison Meeting May 18, 2007 Susan MacDavitt, HRRIS Ann Tuttle, MAIS

2 2 Agenda Presentation Goal Project Support Project Objective New Temporary Employment Forms Process Improvement Implementation Timeline Business Process Flow Interim Process Demonstration Security Considerations Information Interchanges HRMS Unit Liaison To Do’s Q&A

3 3 Presentation Goal HRMS Unit Liaison has information needed to share with hiring supervisors and temporary appointment administrators to initiate internal process evaluation.

4 4 Project Support Project Sponsors –Laurita Thomas and Lester Monts Project Steering Committee –Sue MacDavitt, Tim Wood, Kris Crawford, Vickie Crupper, Pam Fowler, Doug Levy, Jan Mulcrone, John Gohsman, Judy Aldrich, Ann Tuttle (project manager), Elaine Nowak Project Team –Kris Crawford, Doug Levy, Susan Fisher-George, William Dicks, Jane Miller, Katie McCollum, Elaine Kinloch, Judy Aldrich, Elaine Nowak, Karl Dietrich, Ann Tuttle (team leader)

5 5 Project Support (cont’d) Unit Team –Teri Bareis, Joyce Fitch, Debbie Winkler, Linda Kennedy, William Dicks, Richard Schrader, Diane Benson, Tammy Nipper, Jennifer Garrett, Elaine Kinloch, Ataul Usman, Beth Manning, Karel Dietrich, Kris Crawford, Doug Levy, Susan Fisher-George, Jane Miller, Judy Aldrich, Elaine Nowak, Ann Tuttle (lead)

6 6 Phase III Objectives Phase III will address Ann Arbor student employment with 80% of the temporary hires being students Develop a UM student employment application in M-Pathways accessed through Wolverine Access Student Business Develop new M-Pathways operational page for department administrators to process a: –New Hire: first (M-Pathways) temporary appointment ever held –Re-Hire: re-employ former (M-Pathways) temporary employee –Additional appointment: where Job Code, DeptID or Hourly Rate is different from an active temporary appointment Existing batch toolkit/processes for salary changes and terminations

7 7 New Temporary Employment Forms Three temporary employment forms entitled: –“U of M Dearborn or U of M Flint Student Temporary Employment Form” – includes student application page –“Temporary Employment Form” – includes application page –“U of M Ann Arbor Student Temporary Appointment Change” – one page All forms will have a revision date of 07/23/07 or greater and be accessible via the HRRIS Forms link. There will be a new Employment website link (to be announced). Unit quick reference checklist for Ann Arbor student “Hire”, “Rehire” and “Additional Appointment” will be accessible from Employment website link.

8 8 Process Improvement

9 9 Process Improvement (cont’d)

10 10 Process Improvement (cont’d)

11 11 Implementation Timeline 06/18/2007 –M1-HRMS available to request new security roles 06/20/2007 –eSelf-Service student employment application 07/23/2007 –On-line hire, rehire, additional appointment page –Revised temporary employment forms (all forms are revised – student and non-student) –Units MUST destroy previous temporary employment forms (student and non-student) and use new forms to ensure university compliance with federal regulatory edits made on all forms –eLearning Course available on MAISLINC 07/25/2007 thru 09/30/2007 –HRRIS supported labs will be available 12/31/2007 –HRRIS Interim Process expires.

12 12 Business Process Flow

13 13 Business Process Flow (cont’d)

14 14 Interim Process Available through 12/31/07: –Unit internal processes are not ready for administrators to process “Hire”, “Rehire”, or “Additional Appointment” on-line –Use “U of M Ann Arbor Student Temporary Appointment Change” form –Draw a line through “Appointment” at top of form and write in “Hire”, “Rehire”, or “Additional Appointment”. Fill in the remaining appointment information. –Send paper form to HRRIS for manual data entry.


16 16 Security Considerations Determine High-Level Business Process 2 New Security Roles –View Role (access to Student Information Page only) –Update Role (access to Student Information and Student Processing Pages) M1-HRMS Available – Monday, June 18 –Unit can use a spreadsheet template for processing large amounts of users. Contact Ann Tuttle to coordinate this process.

17 17 Information Interchanges Who should attend: –Hiring supervisors –Unit temporary appointment administrators Information Content –Presentation with up to date URL addresses –Demonstration of final on-line pages –Handouts (including new temporary employment forms and hiring supervisor checklist) When and Where –Thursday, July 12 th, 1-3 pm, Rackham –Tuesday, July 17 th, 8:30 – 10:30 am, Chesebrough, North Campus

18 18 HRMS Unit Liaison To Do 1.Share information from today’s presentation (within the next two weeks) 2.Unit temporary appointment business processes need to be reviewed to help determine: –Who needs view security role –Who needs update security role Complete M1’s beginning June 18 th –Where adjustments need to be made to take advantage of business process improvements 3.Determine who will attend Information Interchanges (before July 12 th )

19 19 Q & A

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