2004 ISR Research Forum Richard N. Taylor Director.

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Presentation on theme: "2004 ISR Research Forum Richard N. Taylor Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 http://www.isr.uci.edu/ 2004 ISR Research Forum Richard N. Taylor Director

2 http://www.isr.uci.edu/ With the generous support of… California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology

3 http://www.isr.uci.edu/ Mission: ISR is dedicated to… fostering innovative basic and applied research in software and information technologies; working with established companies, start-ups, government agencies, and standards bodies to develop and transition the technologies to widespread and practical application; educating the next generation of software researchers and practitioners in advanced software technologies; and supporting the public service mission of the University of California in developing the economic basis of the State of California.

4 http://www.isr.uci.edu/ Our Research Interests Analysis and Testing, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Configuration Management, Environments, Human-Computer Interaction, Hypermedia, Information Visualization, Event Notification Systems Open Source Software Development, Privacy and Security, Software Acquisition and Electronic Commerce, Software Architecture, Software Engineering, Software Engineering Education Software Understanding

5 ISR Organization Chart ISR Faculty Richard N. Taylor, Professor and Director of ISR, Bonnie Nardi, Associate Professor, ICS, UC Irvine Chair of Informatics Department, SICS, UC IrvineDavid F. Redmiles, Associate Professor, ICS, UC Irvine Alfonso Fuggetta, Professor, Politecnico di MilanoThomas Alspaugh, Assistant Professor, ICS, UC Irvine Alfred Kobsa, Professor, ICS, UC IrvineCristina Videira Lopes, Assistant Professor, ICS, UC Irvine Simon Penny, Professor, HSSOE/SotA, UC IrvineNenad Medvidovic, Assistant Professor, Univ. of Southern California Scott Samuelsen, Professor and Director, HSSOE/APEP, UC IrvineJohn Noll, Assistant Professor, Santa Clara University Debra J. Richardson, Professor and ICS Dean, UC IrvineSusan Sim, Assistant Professor, ICS, UC Irvine Mark Ackerman, Associate Professor, University of MichiganAndre van der Hoek, Assistant Professor, ICS, UC Irvine Paul Dourish, Associate Professor, ICS, UC IrvineE. James Whitehead, Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz Les Gasser, Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignWalt Scacchi, Specialist (Research Professor), ISR, UC Irvine Gloria Mark, Associate Professor, ICS, UC Irvine Updated: March 2004 19 ISR Faculty Richard N. Taylor Director of ISR Professor of ICS Debra A. Brodbeck Technical Relations Director Technical Liaison, Communications Susan Knight Corporate Relations Officer Corporate Relations (50% ISR, 50% IGB) Graduate Students Kiana Fallah Director of Operations Financial and Admin. Services Workstudy Administration (vacant) Steve Ponting Business Office Assistant Administration Lucien C. Finley Account Manager Contract and Grant Mgmt. Kari Nies Programmer Analyst Margaret Elliott Research Associate Mark Bergman Postgrad Researcher External Advisory Board

6 http://www.isr.uci.edu/ Relationships & Technology Transition Historical ties to the aerospace community Strong current working relationships with The Aerospace Corporation, Boeing, NASA JPL, NASA Ames Strong interactions with many organizations (MERL,IBM, open source projects, Fujitsu, others) Start-ups: Endeavors and KnowNowEndeavorsKnowNow

7 http://www.isr.uci.edu/ So What’s New? “Student’s Only” Session this morning  Demonstrations  Posters  Students from UCSD, UCSC, USC, UCI, UCR, Claremont  Over 30 of which will participate in the reception following the keynote talk An amazing range of research results, internships, grants and contracts, visitors, …

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