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Story Title Author: If not you Presented by: Your name here.

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Presentation on theme: "Story Title Author: If not you Presented by: Your name here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Story Title Author: If not you Presented by: Your name here

2 What your presentation should include Clip art or Pictures and Animation Word Art Auto Shapes Slide transitions You can use either a predefined template slide design or you can create your own. Be creative! Your story should be from 3 to 4 minutes long. Rehearse!

3 …more requirements Add headers and footers to slides Use Rehearse Timings feature to practice your time. Download a photograph from the Web or from your camera for inclusion in the presentation Insert a hyperlink (even if it is only to our 101 website at the end)

4 Do not forget!! A final slide to signal the end of the story To give credit to those that gave you material or ideas. Your presentation must be anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes, I will time you.

5 How will you be graded? 30% depends on you grading your classmates’ presentations. 40% from the grade that your classmates give to your presentation. 40% from your Instructors grade of your presentation.

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