MGTO 324 Workshop 1: Orientation. Agenda Group project SPSS workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "MGTO 324 Workshop 1: Orientation. Agenda Group project SPSS workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 MGTO 324 Workshop 1: Orientation

2 Agenda Group project SPSS workshop

3 Group Project Nature Apprentice 3 teams competing for an HR consulting project Only one team will win the competition Extra reward will be given to the winning team Group size 6 members for each team Assessment Oral presentation Written report Peer evaluation

4 Group Project The four cases Case 1: THE BODY SHOP Profits with principles; A brand with attitude E.g., “We believe that a business has the responsibility to protect the environment in which it operates, locally and globally” (from Develop a Recruitment and Selection plan that enables “THE BODY SHOP” to maintain/facilitate these values

5 Group Project The four cases Case 2: SmarTone Selecting customer-oriented staff In 2002, SmarTone got the following awards from Asia Pacific Customer Service Consortium Customer Relationship Excellence - Outstanding Achievement Call Center of the Year (Telecommunications) Customer Service Professional of the Year Develop a Recruitment & Selection plan that enables “SmarTone” to maintain/facilitate these values

6 Group Project The four cases Case 3: New World Renaissance Hotel Happy staff leads to satisfied customers Rauf Malik, manager of NWR Hotel, said that the TMT of NWR has twenty rules for all staff. All are rooted from the same belief: happy staff leads to satisfied customers… Develop a Recruitment & Selection plan that enables “New World Renaissance Hotel” to maintain/facilitate these values

7 Group Project The four cases Case 4: HKUST Vision To be a leading university with significant international impact and strong local commitment (from Strategy continue to recruit and retain high caliber academic staff (from Problems Cutting budget Develop a Recruitment & Selection plan that enables “HKUST” to maintain/increase its international impact

8 Group Project Topic selection Make your choice I’ll finalize the results Make an appointment with me

9 SPSS workshop I have created another section Same day, from 10:30am to 11:50am I want at least 20 students to attend the first section I want to make the decision now, so I need some volunteers…. Help me!!

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