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A 1. What is Confirmation? Confirmation means: Strengthening Like athletes who lift weights, we exercise ourselves with God’s Word.

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2 A 1. What is Confirmation?

3 Confirmation means: Strengthening Like athletes who lift weights, we exercise ourselves with God’s Word.

4 Through our confirmation classes… …Strengthened

5 Hebrews 5:12-14p. 1187 Mark 9:24 p. 1056 … faith God’s word is like milk that helps babies grow, and adults too!

6 Rom 7:18-25 p. 1118 … life

7 The Christian Faith ( trusting in and loving Jesus)

8 2 Tim 3:14-17 p. 1179 1. Is based on Bible doctrines (teachings)

9 John 3:16 p. 1052 2. Stresses the way of salvation (saved from sin and hell). 3. Is based on Jesus Christ as the only Savior in the world. Knowing Jesus our Savior is the key to life.

10 The Christian Life ( living for Jesus) Like a tree grows an apple, our Christian faith grows a life that seeks to thank Jesus.

11 Psalm 119:11 p. 611 1. Is also based on Bible doctrines

12 2. Is lived out of thankfulness to Jesus Eph 2:8-9 p. 1157 3. Is expected of all Christians

13 Rom 1:16 p. 1112 The mes- sage of salvation Faith in Jesus Living for Jesus When we know Jesus’ love for us, we want to joyfully live for Jesus.

14 Confirmation Ceremony 1. Publicly announces that we have been strengthened in our Christian faith and life.

15 2. Is a time for making vows (solemn promises) to remain faithful to the one who was first faithful to you (Jesus). Jesus’ love for us moves us to love him back as the “apple of our eye.”

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