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® TASK Wei Hong Phil Buonadonna David Gay Sam Madden Joe Hellerstein Contributors: David Culler Todd Dawson Lakshman Krishnamurthy Architecture & Deployments.

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Presentation on theme: "® TASK Wei Hong Phil Buonadonna David Gay Sam Madden Joe Hellerstein Contributors: David Culler Todd Dawson Lakshman Krishnamurthy Architecture & Deployments."— Presentation transcript:

1 ® TASK Wei Hong Phil Buonadonna David Gay Sam Madden Joe Hellerstein Contributors: David Culler Todd Dawson Lakshman Krishnamurthy Architecture & Deployments

2 2 SensorNet Dilemma  SensorNet deployments not intuitive  Programming & Asynchronous/distributed ops  Power Management  Not accessible to larger industrial/scientific community  One-off applications widespread  Inhibits reuse  SensorNet PhD Factor  Today ~2.5 PhDs needed to deploy a SensorNet  Needs to be Zero

3 3 Design Requirements  Ease of S/W Installation  Deployment tools  Reconfigurability  Health/Mgmt Monitoring  Network Reliability Guarantee  Interpretable Sensor Results  Tool Integration  Audit Trails  Lifetime estimates  Familiar API  Extensibility of S/W  Modular services ~ For Developers ~

4 4 Tiny Application Sensor Kit TASK Field Tools Stable Store (DBMS) TASK Client Tools TASK Server SensorNet Appliance External Tools TinyDB Sensor Network Internet TaskView  Simplicity vs. Functionality  Modularity  Remote control  Fault Tolerant

5 5 SensorNet Appliance  Intelligent Gateway  Proxy for the sensornet  Distributes query  Stages results  Manages configuration  Components  TASK Server  TinyDB Client  DBMS  WebServer (Jetty) TinyDB Client DBMS TASK Server SNA http, other ODBC SensorNet

6 6 Sensor Nodes  TinyDB  Program via Declarative Queries SELECT nodeid, temperature, hamatop, SAMPLE PERIOD 10000  Modular attribute drivers  Extensions for TASK  Power Management  Time Sync  Query Sharing  Watchdog  Multihop Interfaces  Local Logging

7 7 Tools  Field Tool  In-situ diagnostics  TaskView  Integrated tool for management and monitoring

8 8 Deployments  In Lab deployment  54 nodes  Indoor Test environment  Redwood Trees  100 nodes  2 acre grove in Sonoma

9 9 Lab Deployment

10 10 Lab Deployment  Losses Common  < 75% yield / uncorrelated  Need for application tech. to mitigate loss

11 11 Redwood Deployment  UCB Botanical Gardens  23 Nodes / Wired Laptop Base / ~20 days  Sonoma Redwood Grove  100 Nodes / 1 Stargate w/ GPRS & Solar / ~30 days

12 12 Results Distribution

13 13 Calibration

14 14 Power and Routing Stats Routing Layer Sample Period AvgDepthAvgYieldMinYieldMaxYield Avg Pwr (mW) Libroute- 30 1.90.550.210.885.4 Libroute - 150 1.50.530.120.921.4 Mint - 30 2.20.600.240.895.4 Mint - 150 2.10.600.130.931.4 Low Pwr - 30 1.680.720.301.04.6 Low Pwr - 150 1.980.660.330.942.2

15 15 Lessons Learned  Be Pessimistic  Expect unexpected failures  Test at Scale  Embrace Simplicity  Invest in Monitoring Infrastructure  Calibration is not straightforward  Beware Hidden Assumptions

16 16 Future Directions  Integration w/ FabApp  Vector samples of arbitrary size  Future Deployments  HP DataCenter  BP shipboard vibration monitoring


18 18 Loch Rannoch

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