IURC Digital Mapping Update Electric Utilities Task Force April 6, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "IURC Digital Mapping Update Electric Utilities Task Force April 6, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 IURC Digital Mapping Update Electric Utilities Task Force April 6, 2004

2 Motivating Factors to Change Replace Mylars Eliminate Use of Outdated Drafting Tools & Practices Keep master data at IURC Streamline Process Maintain IURC Grid Numbering

3 Statewide GIS Initiative Compile GIS data Make Internet accessible “Indiana Map” Seeking state funding Timing Uncertain due to Legislative http://www.in.gov/ingisi

4 3 Scenarios/Cases Simple Electronic Drawings Combine Utilities’ Existing Maps Geographic Information System (GIS) Application

5 Option 1- Simple Electronic Drawings Scan low-cost USGS base map grids Inexpensive viewer Digitize the territory lines as a layer Individual grids emailed to utilities to edit & return to IURC Scan Sub facets to view on a PC

6 Sample Electronic Drawing

7 Option 2 - Combine Utilities Maps Use a common base map Transfer existing digitally recorded territory lines from utilities Utilities access data over the Internet An editor will combine data submitted from various sources Sub facets will be based on utilities' records

8 Sample of Combined Utilities’ Maps

9 Option 3 - GIS Use a common base map to be maintained by other State agencies Digitize territory lines from facet and sub- facet Mylars Secure access to data with proposed changes over the Internet Add public viewable access An approved single entity/editor make changes in the master database

10 Option 1 - Simple Map PROS CONS Mid Cost IURC would not be the editor of the data Conversion time about 3 – 4 months Can distribute through e-mail Changes will be in digital format Not statewide map Less accurate Base Map No public access to data Data sharing process will still be manual & not web -based

11 Option 1 - Simple Map CONS (cont’d) Independent of the Statewide GIS Data will be simple lines & text with no intelligent attribution. No GIS functionality for reporting or querying on the data. Service territory boundaries cannot be seen graphically as a whole. Sub-facets are separate & not graphically associated to the facet maps

12 Option 1 - Simple Map CONS (cont’d) Raster data / Base-map are large files which require larger hard drives to house the data Data is not transferable to other software packages As base maps are updated by the USGS, the IURC must acquire/replace older raster images Will require reconversion to be able to make it a GIS system

13 Option 2 - Combine Utilities Map PROS CONS Internet authoring saves time Completed line work reduces conversion cost Could be used for public safety High potential for territory boundary disputes Major gaps & overlaps up 1/4 mile Many labor hours required to resolve gaps

14 Option 2 –Combine Utilities CONS (cont’d) Sub-facets need to be converted with required dimensioning. Still need to host data with an editor Still independent of Statewide GIS All utilities don't have electronic data or the means to produce it

15 Option 3 - GIS PROS CONS Use Statewide GIS platform One statewide map May be hosted by other state agency More accurate base map maintained by other state agencies Less disputes due to increased accuracy Implementation time expected 6-8 months Requires central operator to have maintenance software/hardware Higher implementation cost

16 Option 3 – GIS PROS (cont’d) Common GIS "off the shelf" software Software tools eliminate gaps and overlaps "Smart" data - intelligent attribution on territory boundaries within database “Zoomable” as the user gets closer to the data more detail appears

17 Option 3 – GIS PROS (cont’d) Web access to review & maintain territory lines Internet authoring reduces labor hours Fully Functional GIS Easily expanded to query & report data Long-term solution

18 Brief Comparison Option 1Option 2Option 3 Est. Cost70K-175Kunknown127K-375K Base Map Accuracy +++++++ Data Accuracy +++++++ Ease of Use ++++++ Long-term Life +++++++

19 Group Feedback Any questions about these options? What is the long-term vision for IURC? How can we work together from here?

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