Standards. New Jersey New Jersey Health and Physical Education Core Curriculum Content Standards FAQ.

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1 Standards

2 New Jersey New Jersey Health and Physical Education Core Curriculum Content Standards FAQ

3 New Jersey Health and Physical Education Core Curriculum Content Standards  2.1 Wellness - All students will learn and apply health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

4 New Jersey Health and Physical Education Core Curriculum Content Standards  2.2 Integrated Skills - All students will use health-enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

5 New Jersey Health and Physical Education Core Curriculum Content Standards  2.3 Drugs and Medicines - All students will learn and apply information about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and medicines to make decisions that support a healthy, active lifestyle.

6 New Jersey Health and Physical Education Core Curriculum Content Standards  2.4 Human Relationships and Sexuality - All students will learn the physical, emotional, and social aspects of human relationships and sexuality and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

7 New Jersey Health and Physical Education Core Curriculum Content Standards  2.5 Motor Skill Development - All students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.

8 New Jersey Health and Physical Education Core Curriculum Content Standards  2.6 Fitness - All students will apply health-related and skill-related fitness concepts and skills to develop and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.

9 New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts (Dance) Core Curriculum Content Standards  1.1 Aesthetics - All students will use aesthetics knowledge in the creation of and in responses to dance, music, theater, and visual art.

10 New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts (Dance) Core Curriculum Content Standards  1.2 Creation and Performance - All students will utilize those skills, media, methods, and technologies appropriate to each art form in the creation, performance, and presentation of dance, music, theater, and visual art.

11 New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts (Dance) Core Curriculum Content Standards  1.3 Elements and Principles - All students will demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles of dance, music, theater, and visual art.

12 New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts (Dance) Core Curriculum Content Standards  1.4 Critique - All students will develop, apply, and reflect upon knowledge of the process of critique.

13 New Jersey Visual and Performing Arts (Dance) Core Curriculum Content Standards  1.5 History/Culture - All students will understand and analyze the role, development, and continuing influence of the arts in relation to world cultures, history, and society.

14 National Standards for PE  Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activity.  Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.  Participates regularly in physical activity.

15 National Standards for PE  Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.  Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.  Values physical activity for health enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.

16 National Standards for Health Education  Health Education Standards Health Education Standards Health Education Standards   1 – Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.   2 – Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors on health behaviors.   3 – Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health.   4 – Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.

17 National Standards for Health Education  Health Education Standards Health Education Standards Health Education Standards   5 – Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.   6 – Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.   7 – Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.   8 – Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health.

18 National Standards for Dance  Identifying and demonstrating movement elements and skills in performing dance.  Understanding choreographic principles, processes, and structures.  Understanding dance as a way to create and communicate meaning.  Applying and demonstrating critical and creative thinking skills in dance.

19 National Standards for Dance  Demonstrating and understanding dance in various cultures and historical periods.  Making connections between dance and healthful living.  Making connections between dance and other disciplines.

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