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Standards 2009 -2010 Tecumseh North Physical Education.

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1 Standards 2009 -2010 Tecumseh North Physical Education

2  Standard 1 Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns  Focus: Motor Skills Activity Examples o Pacman o Parachute Tecumseh North Physical Education

3  Standard 2 Demonstrated understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics.  Focus: Learning Concepts Activity Examples o Lead up games o Kings and Queens of Volleyball o Stations Tecumseh North Physical Education

4  Standard 3 Participates regularly in physical activity.  Focus: Active Lifestyle Activity Examples o Tennis field trip o Community resources o Fitness calendars o Activity bags Tecumseh North Physical Education

5  Standard 4 Achieves and maintains physical fitness  Focus: Physically fit Activity Examples o Fitness day o Fitness goals o Fitness testing Tecumseh North Physical Education

6  Standard 5 Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior  Focus: Personal and social behavior Activity Examples o Group work o Survivor island o Chinese jump rope book Tecumseh North Physical Education

7  Standard 6 Values physical activity for health and enjoyment  Focus: Values activity Activity Examples o Exit slips o Levels of participation o Create a game Tecumseh North Physical Education

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