Processes of Change The Social Studies Center

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Presentation on theme: "Processes of Change The Social Studies Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 Processes of Change The Social Studies Center

2 Processes of Change What is this correlation all about? What are the links between geography and history? How can you help students master this material? Site and Urbanization

3 Processes of Change World Geography 18 Culture. (A) Describe the impact of general PROCESSES such as migration, war, trade, independent inventions, and diffusion of ideas and motivations on cultural change World History 1 History. (B) Identify CHANGES that resulted from important turning points in world history such as the development of farming… cities; the scientific,industrial, political revolutions; world wars…

4 Strategy Identify the causes (such as migration, war, trade etc.) and analyze the effects (such as cultural change, the development of agriculture, urbanization etc.) of important turning points in world history.

5 Processes of Change PatternsProcesses Interrelationships Where are things? What are the forces causing them to be here? Causes and Effects

6 Processes of Change Underlying Processes Causes/Factors Effects Changes caused by revolutions & wars Factors that contributed to the diffusion of ideas and consequences Processes that affect patterns of urbanization

7 Geography-History Links Four Questions… 1.What was the geographic context? 2.How did it change? 3.How did the geographic context influence and shape events? 4.How did people perceive the world then?

8 Geographic Context Human characteristics Population, ethnicity, age and class structure, religious beliefs, what people ate, housing, who worked and what did they do… Environmental characteristics Physical characteristics, site, climate, soils, resources

9 Geographic Context Human-environment relations Nature of relations, environment able to support population, ways people altered the environment, resources, natural hazards Spatial organization Situation, transportation, linkages to other places, barriers to communication/transport, arrangement & organization of towns

10 Change Processes that drive change… Migration, cultural change (diffusion, acculturation, assimilation), colonization, frontier expansion, changes in technology, economic development, population growth, trade Patterns Processes Interrelationships

11 Context Effects Every event in history occurred within a geographic context Environment offers humans a range of opportunities and possibilities Everyday conditions AND extraordinary events

12 Perception How did people understand and assess the physical and human characteristics of their world? Beliefs and attitudes regarding the environment, migration, land use, rights and privileges etc. Perception, not reality, influences decision making Diverse perspectives: competing points of view

13 Suggested Strategies Help students to think geographically. Space, location, & movement matter Help students to see change. Visualize change through images & maps






19 Suggested Strategies Help students to think geographically. Space, location, & movement matter Help students to see change. Visualize change through images & maps Help students consider how people saw their world. Literature, primary documents, newspaper articles, personal accounts

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