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A New Thrips Pest Chirothrips manicatus: infesting grasses in the Willamette Valley in Oregon Alexzandra McKinnis Dr. Sujaya Rao

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Presentation on theme: "A New Thrips Pest Chirothrips manicatus: infesting grasses in the Willamette Valley in Oregon Alexzandra McKinnis Dr. Sujaya Rao"— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Thrips Pest Chirothrips manicatus: infesting grasses in the Willamette Valley in Oregon Alexzandra McKinnis Dr. Sujaya Rao

2 Grass: a Diversity of Uses

3 Grass Seed Industry in Oregon  95% grass seed in the U.S  3 rd highest commodity  $330,000,000/yr

4 or/d/deancrke.htm

5 Thrips - Thysanoptera Alex Wild © 2004 http://

6 The Life Cycle of Chirothrips manicatus www. 1. Female thrips emerges and lays egg in fertilized grass flower 2. Egg hatches, larva consumes the seed as it develops 3. Larva pupates inside seed hull 4. Adult develops from pupa 5. Female overwinters in seed hull

7 Immature stages of C. manicatus

8 History of C. manicatus  Orchardgrass in New Zealand  Suspected to cause declining yields  Orchardgrass has large seeds A. Peeters

9 Bentgrass!  Decrease yields by 5.1%  $23,000 loss http://

10 Detection is Challenging

11 Questions  Host range of C. manicatus  Infestation Level

12 Host Range of C. manicatus  Host survey cee/ estuca%20arundinacea.htm nterior%20Highlands/Flowers/Dactylis%20glomerata.jpg OrchardgrassAnnual Ryegrass Fine FescueTall FescuePerennial Ryegrass

13 Seed Size Incredible variation!

14 Methods  Survey: 3 fields for each host  Sample: 200 panicles  Examine: 1000 seeds

15 Results: Host Range GrassThrips OrchardgrassPresent Fine fescue Present Tall Fescue Not detected Annual Ryegrass Present Perennial Ryegrass Present BentgrassPresent

16 Diversity of Hosts Orchardgrass Fine Fescue Annual RyegrassPerennial Ryegrass

17 Results: Level of Infestation

18 Only One Species?

19 Future Research  Investigate:  Native grasses  Detection techniques  Host impacts on pest  Impacts of field burning

20 Impacts on Native Grasses  Host survey  Roemer’s Fescue  Native Red Fescue  Spike Bentgrass  American Slough Grass  Blue Wildrye  Infestation level

21 Detection Techniques  Visual inspection under a microscope (current)  X-ray  Staining  Mass comparison  Vibration  Water  Heat

22 Impacts of the Host on C. manicatus  Size comparison  host seed vs. thrips BentgrassFine FescueAnnual Ryegrass Perennial Ryegrass Tall FescueOrchardgrass

23 The Life Cycle of Chirothrips manicatus www. 1. Female thrips emerges and lays egg in fertilized grass flower 2. Egg hatches, larva consumes the seed as it develops 3. Larva pupates inside seed hull 4. Adult develops from pupa 5. Female overwinters in seed hull

24 Impacts of Field Burning  Population comparison  Burned vs. unburned  3 fields  200 panicles

25 Acknowledgements Howard Hughes Medical Institute Dr. Sujaya Rao Dr. Kevin Ahern Dr. Stephen Alderman, USDA Barbara Matson, USDA Dr. Richard Halse, OSU Dr. Sabry Elias, OSU

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