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By: Jasmine K. Lloyd Return to My Homework Page Return to My Homework Page.

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2 By: Jasmine K. Lloyd Return to My Homework Page Return to My Homework Page

3 Gil Grissom Special Skill: Entomology Youngest coroner in the history of L.A. County at age 22 Spent the last 15 years helping Las Vegas move from #14 to #2 in the U.S. Crime Lab rankings His philosophy about his work has always been: "If you want to learn about forensics, master everything else first“ CSI is not a job for Grissom, it's an expression of who he is as a person, the perfect synthesis of personality and profession

4 Catherine Willows Special Skill: Blood Splatter Analysis Worked as an exotic dancer on the Strip in her early 20s while going to college She started as an assistant technician and has worked her way up over a decade to become a CSI Level Three She became a CSI because it makes her feel like a kid solving puzzles She loves the challenge and she loves the buzz of working a case

5 Nick Stokes Special Skill: Hair & Fiber Analysis Spent his first three years out of college on the Dallas police force As a CSI, he’s objective. He still has social responsibility to uphold, but does his job without an agenda The evidence speaks and everyone has to respect what it says, both public defenders as well as judges on the bench There’s a part of Nick that loves his family and his family name, but there’s a part of him that wants to be on his own, to lay down his own roots and establish his own identity

6 Warrick Brown Special Skill: Audio/Visual Analysis He has spent his whole life in the city and knows at least one person in every bar, club, and hotel in the city He knows how all the games are played in Las Vegas and is aware of the universal truth of the city – the only one who wins consistently is the house because the odds are stacked He’s got enough of a rebel in him to challenge those odds, and enough of a realist in him to know the only one watching out for him is him

7 Sara Sidle Special Skill: Materials & Element Analysis Things came so easy to her, she can’t understand why everyone else doesn’t perform to her level She can solve any problem except for the problem of other people and how she’s supposed to relate to them So she hides in the job She pursues her career rigorously, perhaps more so than any of the other CSI’s

8 Greg Sanders Lab Technician Interned as an entry-level lab tech at San Francisco PD for two semesters He has always balanced lab work with athletics; studying with flirting; and computer work with dating Addicted to the pursuit of knowledge, he has been on a quest to learn all he can about the scientific breakthroughs of past centuries And discovering and naming a brand-new theory or element after himself wouldn’t hurt, either

9 Jim Brass Homicide Detective, Las Vegas PD Spent 20 years working his way up to homicide detective in NJ He eventually came to run the CSI department, as an administrator He’s not sure if he likes it, but it’s familiar and it’s easy, and that’ll do for the short term The long term is irrelevant for Brass, because he stopped believing in the future long ago

10 What makes a Great CSI?

11 Which Season Do You Prefer? 100 students polled

12 Visit CSI Online Visit CSI Online

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