COMM 175 Principles of Communication. Library home page at:

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1 COMM 175 Principles of Communication

2 Library home page at:


4 nonverbal





9 nonverbal behavior

10 Keyword search finds words in Title and Contents. Subject search does not.

11 Finding research on a theory Use References listed in textbook Search by author’s last name in EBSCOhost or FirstSearch databases (if name is relatively unique) Use new database Communication & Mass Media Complete, which replaces CommSearch Browse, explore the literature in communication journals for a likely topic/theory Find websites for background info (use Library’s Major Topics: Communication page)


13 How to Identify a Scholarly Article



16 Search topic in both ASP and CMMC for best results

17 If you connect from off campus, you will get this page:


19 nonverbal space X communication

20 New CMMC Database

21 Brainstorming for keywords Use a thesaurus Use database specific thesauri (available in some databases) Find one article that’s on your topic, and look through it for short phrases and words that are repeated, in the descriptor field, etc.


23 To Print PDF Full Text

24 PDF print: Make sure “Print as image” is checked.


26 The bottom of the first page of article:

27 REMEMBER: The new Communication & Mass Media Complete database replaces what was formerly known as CommSearch as of Jan. 2004.

28 Back to library’s Communication page:

29 PerAbs and WilsonSelectPlus are good sources in FirstSearch, links to both are on the library’s Communication page

30 Dozens of other databases are available in FirstSearch

31 communication interpersonal


33 Getting Articles in Journals If article entry in database has a link to “HTML Full Text” or “PDF Full Text”, clicking on the link will bring up the article. You can then print or save it. If there is no link for Full Text, look for a message stating “KEENE STATE COL” or “KSC’s Mason Library subscribes to this title.” Your next step is to find the call number for the periodical, retrieve it from the shelf, and make a photocopy of it.

34 Call numbers for journal titles are found in 3 places: 1. In Keene-Link, the online catalog. Search by Title:


36 Call Number to find journal

37 2. Red binders located in various places on the Library’s 1st floor. Red binders list ONLY the periodicals we have in hardcopy. Call numbers for journal titles are found in 3 places:

38 3. The list of Communication journals on your handout has their call numbers! Call number is here


40 Using InterLibrary Loan 1.Use links to “Request article” in EBSCOhost databases. 2.Use links for “ILL” in Firstsearch Databases. 3.Use Interlibrary Loan links for KSC patrons on Keene-Link main page. 4. Fill out paper forms in Library, at Reference Desk.

41 Articles unavailable elsewhere (in the library or online) can be requested through InterLibrary Loan.


43 This form is attached to citation for article, automatically. Similar forms are available in other database services, such as FirstSearch and Keene-Link.

44 Click on title

45 Detailed record provides abstract of article Click on ILL button to request article



48 Interlibrary Loan page with request forms





53 Kept at the Reference Desk, Call number is BF76.7.P83 2001

54 How to prepare for asking for help from librarians. Look through textbook, communication journals for topic, theory, references Read through Library handout, “Information Sources for Communication” View this PowerPoint, located on the web at Brainstorm for keywords; write them down Use EBSCOhost’s Academic Search Premier, and Communication & Mass Media Complete to find one good article on topic Bring the article and written keywords to Reference Desk during Reference hours

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