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Citing and Writing to Prevent Plagiarism Kean University Library Spreading the Word Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Citing and Writing to Prevent Plagiarism Kean University Library Spreading the Word Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citing and Writing to Prevent Plagiarism Kean University Library Spreading the Word Team

2 What is Plagiarism? “To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source.” Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary PLAGIARISM

3 What is Plagiarism? “Plagiarism occurs when a person represents someone else’s words, ideas, phrases, sentences, or data as one’s own work.” Definition according to Kean University Academic Integrity document

4 Intentional plagiarism: Copying words or ideas from others and using as your own Cutting and pasting information without citing Buying or borrowing a written work by someone else and submitting it as your work Using videos, audio recorder or other media without citing

5 Unintentional plagiarism: Citing incorrectly, Omitting citations Deficient of knowledge and understanding of how paraphrase Failure to use your own “voice” Extremely use of Quotations Inexperienced writers and language issues. Citing incorrectly, Omitting citations

6 Kean University Academic Integrity policy

7 Kean University Academic Integrity Policy Consequences if you plagiarize Violations of academic integrity are classified into four categories based on the level of seriousness of the behaviors.

8 Level 1 Violations Example: - Improper footnoting or unauthorized assistance with academic work on the part of a first-year student. Recommended Penalty: make-up assignment at a more difficult level or assignment of no- credit for work in question, required attendance at a workshop on preparation of term papers, or a library assignment on preparation of term papers.

9 Level 2 Violations Example: - Quoting directly or paraphrasing without proper acknowledgment (cite) on a small portion of the assignment - Failing to acknowledge (cite) all sources of information and contributors who helped with an assignment. Recommended penalty: A failing grade on the assignment and/or in the course.

10 Level 3 Violations Example: - Plagiarizing major portions of an assignment - Using a purchased term paper - Presenting the work of another as one’s own Recommended penalty: Probation or suspension from the University for one or more semesters with a notation of “disciplinary suspension” placed in a student’s record and/or a failing grade in the course.

11 Level 4 Violations Example: - Any degree of falsification or plagiarism relating to a senior or graduate thesis - infractions involving academic integrity committed after return from suspension for a previous violation. Recommended penalty: Expulsion from the university and a permanent dismissal notation on the student’s internal transcript

12 How can we find the source of Plagiarized papers? Google or other engine search systems- Searching part of the student work, like a phrase or sentence. Submitting the student work to or other plagiarism detection service or software.

13 How to avoid plagiarism? You avoid plagiarism by giving credit (cite) to the person or persons that created the words, ideas, images, sounds, or any creative expression.

14 What is a Citation? The act of citing or quoting a passage from a book or other reference. A passage cited; quotation. A quotation showing a particular word or phrase in context. Mention or enumeration. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

15 Why use citation? To prevent plagiarism To write with authority To make possible for your readers to locate your source To demonstrate your knowledge acquisition To show your ethical values

16 Exception for citation You do not have to document information or fact considered “common knowledge”

17 Common knowledge Facts that can be found in numerous places and are likely to be known by a lot of people.

18 Examples of common knowledge The Emancipation Proclamation was sign by President Abraham Lincoln. On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence. When you don’t know if the information is “common knowledge”, use citation.

19 You don’t need to cite when: You are using common knowledge You are discussing your own opinions, experiences, observations, or reactions Compiling the results of your original research, science experimentations, social or psychological observations, etc.

20 You have to cite when : Summarizing Paraphrasing Quoting

21 References - Harris, Robert. (2004). Anti-Plagiarism Strategies for Research Papers. Retrieved March 18, 2008, from - Kean University, (2006). Kean University Academic POLICY. Retrieved March 20, 2008, from - Lexico Publishing. (2008). citation. (n.d.). Merriam- Webster's Dictionary of Law. Retrieved March 17, 2008, from website: - Lexico Publishing. (2008). plagiarism. (n.d.). Merriam- Webster's Dictionary of Law. Retrieved March 17, 2008, from website:

22 References - (2008). Educational tips on plagiarism prevention. Retrieved April 2, 2008, from ps.html ps.html - Purdue University Online Writing Lab. (2006). APA formatting and style guide. Retrieved March 18, 2008, from - Sharka, Jane. (2007). Plagiarism Stopper: A Teacher’s Guide. Retrieved March 18, 2008, from stoppers.html stoppers.html - Standler, Ronald B. (2000). Plagiarism in Colleges in USA. Retrieved March 18, 2008, from

23 Kean University Library Citing and Writing to Prevent Plagiarism Copyright © 2008 by Janette González Reference Librarian

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