Integrated Mobile GIS and Wireless Internet Map Servers for Environmental Monitoring and Management By Ming-Hsiang Tsou

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Mobile GIS and Wireless Internet Map Servers for Environmental Monitoring and Management By Ming-Hsiang Tsou"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Mobile GIS and Wireless Internet Map Servers for Environmental Monitoring and Management By Ming-Hsiang Tsou E-mail: Phone: 619-5940205 Fax: 619-5944938 AAG 2003, New Orleans The Department of Geography, San Diego State University

2 Mobile GIS Mobile GIS refers to the access and use of GIS data and functions through mobile and/or wireless devices. (Notebooks, PDA, tablet PC, Pocket PC, etc.) WHY mobile GIS –Field works: data collection and validation process, coupled with GPS and wireless communications. –Real-time update / change –GPS integration.

3 Environmental Monitoring and Natural Habitat Managements TASKS: –The adoption of remotely sensed images –The analysis of habitat changes (land cover) –Monitoring multiple plant and animal species across regions. PROBLEMS: –Field survey and data acquisition are difficult, time-consuming –Traditional RS and GIS software are very expensive, difficult to use. –Regional program managers and park rangers seldom have the necessary resources or training to access RS/GIS data –There is a strong need to develop an easy-to-use, inexpensive set of field survey tools

4 Internet Map Servers and Wireless Communication WHY Internet Map Server (IMS)? The storage problems in mobile devices (too small) Multiple users access Data Update for multiple users at the same time. Internet Map Server  Intranet Map Server Local access ONLY via Wireless LAN. (Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi5 broad bandwidths)

5 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) IP address-based ( No Internet Connection. Different from cellular phone communication (CDMA, GPRS) Fast Transmission Speed, Good for GIS applications (large size of data/images) Wi-Fi (802.11b, 11Mbps, 2.4 Ghz), Wi-Fi5 (802.11a, 54Mbps, 5GHz). (next  802.11g)

6 Integrated System Framework (Internet Map Servers, GPS, Wi-Fi, Pocket PC, Vehicle) Internet Map Server on notebook computer with wireless access port. Field workers: Pocket PC, GPS, and wireless card. Wi-Fi wireless communication (up to 300 feet)

7 Autonomous Unit: Independent, Portable, Reliable Mobile unit with Portable Battery Mobile unit mounted on a vehicle.

8 User Scenario: Environmental Monitoring and Management Mission Trail Regional Park (short movie)

9 System Implementation Hardware: Notebooks (Web Server + ArcIMS) Pocket PC (Clients + Wi-Fi compact flash card) GPS (with serial cables to Pocket PC) Wireless Access Point (Hub)+ Twisted Ethernet Cable (directly from Server to Hub) Software: Server-side: IIS 5.0 + ArcIMS 4.0 Client-side: ArcPad 6.0, Pocket IExplorer, FTP Network Setting: IP Address  NO Domain Name System (DNS)

10 Evaluate Land Cover Change by ADAR Images via Internet Map Server (MTRP BMX site)

11 User Scenario Testing (Jan 15, 2003) Use GPS and remote sensing data to identify a new location of invasive plants (pampas grass)

12 Real-time Report Submission and Data Upload (from Pocket PC to Server)

13 Current Limitations and Problems Wireless Technology is changing fast. The short range of current commercial WAP devices (300 – 1000 feet) Limited Software Customization Capability ( only user interface customization, no system function level, such as direct data upload) Pocket Internet Explorer (No Java applets capability) No Vector-based IMS for Pocket PC

14 Research Agenda Explore other potential GIS applications (virtual tour guide, homeland security, emergency rescue, etc.) Enhance Information Security – Wireless Communication. (for sensitive data) PDA: Fingerprint ID. Data Transmission Efficiency (compression techniques) User Interface Design (Different from Desktop PC) Smart Display for different devices (Software Agents)

15 Possible Applications: Police DepartmentEmergency Rescue Border Patrol Agency Homeland Security

16 High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network (HPWREN) UCSD-SDSU Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve SDSU Campus (Communications Building )

17 Intelligent Mobile Services Software Agents for Mobile GIS Software Agent help users to access requested data / images from ArcIMS Server (100 GIS layers). Software Agents convert the original display setting for Desktop (1024x768) to Pocket PC resolution (300x240). Automated Data Conversion / Integration.

18 Research Project and Web Site Http:// Thank You Q & A

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