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Presentation on theme: " Electronic Information for Libraries Rima Kupryte E-ICOLC 5 th – Denmark, 23-25 October, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Information for Libraries Rima Kupryte E-ICOLC 5 th – Denmark, 23-25 October, 2003

2 Topics of presentation I - Background II – Geographical Development III - Services IV – Content

3 I - Background eIFL started in October 1999, as an initiative of the Open Society Institute (OSI)

4  Private and grant-making foundation of George Soros  Programmes in civil society, culture, education, media, public health, human and women’s rights, social, legal and economic reform  OSI Budapest and New York, and a network of national foundations in more than 50 countries Background Open Society Institute (OSI)

5 eIFL in 2003  is an independent non-profit organization; it is partly supported by OSI and is currently seeking funding partners. It will act as an agent for participating national consortia  New office set up (Rome)  Management and Advisory Boards are established Background

6 eIFL’s mission Leads, negotiates, supports and advocates for the wide availability of information by library users in countries-in-transition Background

7 II – Geographical Development started in countries where the Soros foundations’ network operates, especially in the post socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe as well as the former Soviet Union. 2002: Geographical expansion

8 eIFL’s members in 2003 now includes over 2,200 libraries, close to 50 countries, with a total population of about 800 million. Geographical development

9 eIFL members  Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia:27 countries  AfricaSouthern Africa: 9 countries South Africa Western Africa: Nigeria and other WA countries Geographical development

10  Latin America: 3 countries (Guatemala, Haiti, Peru) South East Asia: 3 countries (Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar)  Asia: China Many requests from other countries eIFL members

11 Challenges for Countries in Transition Governance –Need to organize each country consortium –Libraries in many countries are under-funded Content and e-resource purchase –Need for non-English (and non-Roman character set) interfaces and content –Country funding is irregular & prompt payment is not always a cultural norm Technology Infrastructure quality is variable Geographical development

12 III - Services  Consortia building: Provide advice and grant to countries to help building consortia  Provision of access to commercially produced electronic journals and databases, through collective negotiations with publishers and aggregators (more precision about content at CHAP IV)  Support participation in international fora (eICOLC, IFLA etc.)  Provision of model licenses for e-resources

13  Training and workshops: areas include building and managing library consortia, copyright and licensing, integration and management of e-resources, statistics, evaluation of e-resources, negotiation with providers, marketing and promotion on consortial services  Knowledge and information sharing: annual meetings, workshops, discussion groups, task forces, listserv and website, database of member consortia Services … More services

14  April 1999: invitation to tender for the provision of electronic journals in social sciences and humanities to the countries in the OSI network A few selection criteria Lowest access prices per country – some 95% discount Country wide licences: unlimited number of not-for- profit institutional users Highest number of FT titles Both online and CD/DVD format  1999: global contract with EBSCO Publishing Content IV – Content Content Background

15 … Content Background Membership survey indicated need for S&T  17 July 2001: Request for proposals launched  6 Sept 2001: deadline for applications  15 Oct 2001: evaluation by expert team  31 Dec 2001: expressions of interest by eIFL member countries received  Jan 2002: negotiations start with publishers  May 2002: free trials for selected products started  Sept - Dec 2002: licensing with selected publishers Content

16 Current content  EBSCO  The American Physical Society  Cambridge University Press  Highwire Press  Institute of Physics Publishing  Proquest  Cooperation with OAI Content

17  Expand and intensify usage of licensed content  Negotiate with new publishers  Develop content in non-English languages  Expand access to bibliographic databases Our future

18  Strenghten country consortia on licensing issues  Continue support to build country consortia  Orderly geographical expansion  Partner with funding bodies to improve connectivity and infrastructure in some countries  Introduce portal technology and journal management software Content … Our future

19 Thank you! Piazza Mastai 9 00153 Rome Italy Director eIFL’s project: Rima Kupryte

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