Motion Tracking Recorder 360 (MTR-360) Group #1 Lee Estep Philip Robertson Andy Schiestl Robert Tate.

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Presentation on theme: "Motion Tracking Recorder 360 (MTR-360) Group #1 Lee Estep Philip Robertson Andy Schiestl Robert Tate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motion Tracking Recorder 360 (MTR-360) Group #1 Lee Estep Philip Robertson Andy Schiestl Robert Tate

2 Original Proposal n Two cameras n Controlled by two 4010 chips. n Algorithm implementation based off of Autonomous Tracking Unit n Hard drive to record images and playback with PC.

3 Midterm Update n Use one camera controlled by a 4028 n Create improved algorithm using additional capabilities of 4028 n Have one camera rotate 360 degrees using a stepper motor n Less RAM used

4 New Modifications to Plan n Implemented CPU based control algorithm n GUI simplified due to time constraints n Increased original clock speed

5 Final Design Schematic Xilinx XC4028E FPGA Algorithm Quick Cam PC (Only needed for playback) 32K SRAM IDE Hard Drive Servo Stepper Motor Servo Control Motor Control Camera Interface PC / Parallel Port Interface Memory Control / Interface IDE Interface

6 Board Layout 16 Mhz CLK gndVcc 5V Camera Parallel Port Parallel Port 4028 FPGA Camera Keyboard plug IDE port Parallel Buffer 1Parallel Buffer 2 IDE Buffer 2IDE Buffer 1IDE Buffer 3 Xilinx Xchecker 32K SRAM Motor Driver Voltage Regulator Vcc 12V 10 5K Resis. 10 150 Resis. External 16 Mhz CLK Motor Stand Switches LED’s

7 Accomplished n Completed and Integrated – Memory Control – Parallel port to PC – Camera Interface – CPU – Simplified GUI n Completed and ready for integration – Servo Control – Stepper Motor – Algorithm n Initial Version Complete – Hard Drive Control

8 Servo Control n Pulsegen generates a pulse between.46 ms and 2.1 ms 20 mS.465 to 2.1 mS n Only change from mid-term how input handled

9 Stepper Control n Coundown is loaded with the angle n Stepstate actually counts through the control bits

10 Camera Mount n Went through several design changes due to part constraints n Final version complex, but modular to allow for part constraints that came up in the building process

11 Memory Control n Acts as a four-ported RAM – Parallel Port Interface – IDE Hard drive – CPU (2 calls) – Camera Interface n Use a State Machine to guarantee device access to memory CPU Hard Drive CPU Camera Parallel Port

12 Memory Control II n Each device goes through a maximum of three states: 1. Check if device is requesting memory access 2. If yes, check whether read/write then set address to read/write 3. Set busy signal - Read or Write data from the device - then go to the next device 4. If No, check the next device n State diagram for device 1 2 3 4 No Request Request

13 PC Parallel port n Enables communication between FPGA and a PC. n Verilog Compiler Problems n Changed to interlocked handshaking

14 Camera Interface n Handles initialization of QuickCam n Verilog Compiler Problems n Reads image from camera and stores to memory n Used example C code for testing

15 Hard Drive Control 74 LS 245 74 LS 245 74 LS 245 IDE Hard Disk PIO Timing Image Transfer and Control Reset Logic 8 8 8 8 8 8 Direction Reset IDE Control Logic n Moves Images between memory and the hard disk n File system handled by CPU n Not yet operational

16 CPU n CPU based control system allows for easy testing, modification, and debugging. n CPU uses 9-bit machine code from ROM n 6 Registers, 16 distinct instructions n Operates at 16MHz; most instructions take a single clock cycle

17 Algorithm n Concept tested using C program, implemented in our CPU’s machine code n Background independent if there is enough contrast n Flickering lights, etc. limit sensitivity

18 Member Responsibilities

19 Conclusion n System is near completion, and should be finished by demo time. n System more advanced and more distinct from projects based on than originally planned. n We will most likely not be able to complete the hard drive due to compiler issues.

20 Evaluation n Overall Project: 2 – Servo Control:3 – Stepper Control:2 – Hard drive control:1 – Memory Control:2 – Camera Control:2 – CPU/Algorithm:1 – Camera Mount:1 – Parallel Port:2 – Integration:1 n Team Coordination:1 n Support from lab:2 – TA’s:2 – Materials:3 – Verilog Compiler:5

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