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FP7 /1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Capacities Specific Programme Robert-Jan Smits Vienna 8 November 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "FP7 /1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Capacities Specific Programme Robert-Jan Smits Vienna 8 November 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 FP7 /1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Capacities Specific Programme Robert-Jan Smits Vienna 8 November 2006

2 FP7 /2 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Capacities – Research Capacity Budget :  Research infrastructures1.715  Research for the benefit of SMEs1.336  Regions of Knowledge126  Research Potential340  Science in Society330  Coherent development of policies70  Activities of International Cooperation180 Total: 4.097

3 FP7 /3 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Research Infrastructures Budget: 1.715 million Euro

4 FP7 /4 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006  Facilities, resources, services used by scientific community for  Development of leading-edge research  Knowledge transmission, knowledge exchanges and knowledge preservation  Includes  Major equipment  Scientific archives and structured information  ICT-based infrastructures  Entities of a unique nature, used for research Research Infrastructures Definition:

5 FP7 /5 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Research Infrastructures  Optimise the use and development of the best existing research infrastructures in Europe  Help to create new infrastructures of pan-European interest Objectives:

6 FP7 /6 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Activities:  Support for: Existing research infrastructures For optimising the access to and the utilisation and performance of such infrastructures  Support for: New research infrastructures (incl. major upgrades) Through the implementation of a ‘strategic’ approach Research Infrastructures

7 FP7 /7 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Support to existing research infrastructures  Generic (bottom-up) basis and in close co-operation with the thematic areas (focussed):  Integrating activities  Research e-infrastructure (GEANT, GRIDs)  Call for proposals; selection through a peer review process Research Infrastructures

8 FP7 /8 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Support to new research infrastructures  Design studies  Bottom-up approach  Exploratory awards and feasibility studies for new infrastructures  Construction of new infrastructures and major updates of existing ones  Based ESFRI roadmap Research Infrastructures

9 FP7 /9 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 A two-stage process: 1.The preparatory phase  Restricted calls targeting priority projects (ESFRI roadmap) For construction plans, legal organisation, management structure Deliverable: consortium agreement for construction 2.Implementation phase (the actual construction)  Following successful first phase  Various financial engineering instruments e.g. national funds, Structural Funds, EIB, RSFF, FP7 The operational mechanism to support construction in FP7 Research Infrastructures

10 FP7 /10 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Research for the benefit of SMEs Budget: 1.336 million Euro

11 FP7 /11 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Regions of Knowledge Budget: 126 million Euro

12 FP7 /12 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Regions of Knowledge  Activities:  Analyse, develop and implement research agendas  Develop deployment strategies, including mentoring  Expected outcome:  Improve links between stakeholders and local business community  Foster transnational / cross-border cooperation  Improve research networking  Enhance mutual learning of regional actors

13 FP7 /13 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Regions of Knowledge Research Entity Local Enterprise (e.g. SME) Regional Research– Driven Cluster Regional Authority Other Actors (e.g. Banks) Key word: Clusters

14 FP7 /14 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006  Expected impact:  Regional economical growth in selected domains  Better integration of research actors in regional economies  Response to the needs of regional business communities  Mobilisation of local, national and community funds to implement defined actions to support regional economic development  Synergies with other related EU policies Regions of Knowledge

15 FP7 /15 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 FP7 and the Structural Funds: more synergies (1)  FP 7 has a strong regional dimension, under “Capacities”  Regions of Knowledge  Unlocking Research Potential  Research infrastructures Regions of Knowledge

16 FP7 /16 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 FP7 / Structural Funds: more synergies (2)  Structural Funds will reinforce R&D investment  R&D, innovation and entrepreneurship as the first priority in Convergence regions  Innovation and the knowledge economy as the first priority for the competitiveness and growth objective  Earmarking: at least 60% of funds for Lisbon priorities  Complementary funding where possible  Certainly no double funding… Return to main presentation Regions of Knowledge

17 FP7 /17 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Research Potential Budget: 340 million Euro

18 FP7 /18 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Realising the Full Research Potential of EU-25  Objectives  Strengthen research potential in Convergence and outermost Regions through: Increased international exposure and visibility Demonstration of leadership capacity Upgrading of equipment in excellence centres  Lay foundation for long-term development Participation as equal partners in the EU research area Research Potential

19 FP7 /19 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006  High-potential scheme  Strategic partnerships (twinning)  Selection on excellence criteria  In-built brain circulation, avoiding ‘brain drain’  Funding for: Seconded researchers, visiting scientists, recruitments Research costs incl. specific equipment Conferences and workshops for knowledge transfer Participation in international events  Evaluation facility for institutions Return to main presentation Research Potential

20 FP7 /20 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006  Expected impact:  contribution to RTD capacity building in the convergence regions,  increased networking between research entities throughout the EU  upgrading of research capacities  better links with the economic and social environment,  increased job opportunities for young scientists  enhanced participation in the 7th Framework Programme, Research Potential

21 FP7 /21 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Science in Society Budget: 330 million Euro

22 FP7 /22 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006  A more engaged and more informed public  Democratic debate  Hopes and concerns  Awareness and uptake of results  Better science  Unexpected new research avenues  Ethical and gender issues  Attracting more people into scientific careers  Better policies  More efficient use of scientific advice  Interaction between experts, stakeholders and policy-makers Science in Society Key ingredients:

23 FP7 /23 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Continuity…  Building on momentum  Science & Society Action Plan (2001)  Science and Society in FP6  Implementation on three fronts  A dedicated theme Policy-related actions and supporting research  Integrating ‘Science in Society’ In the FP and other EU policies  Encouraging co-ordination of national policies, networking, benchmarking, and setting common objectives Science in Society

24 FP7 /24 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 …and Novelty  Reinforce SIS research agenda  Effective participation of civil society in research  More emphasis on international co-operation  New focus on scientists, and the European science system  Understand the place of S&T in society  Develop policy on university-based research  Step up science communication activities Return to main presentation Science in Society

25 FP7 /25 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Coherent Development of Research Policies Budget: 70 million Euro

26 FP7 /26 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Improved framework conditions Articulation with other policies Optimal/combined use of research policy instruments Leverage private investment Invest more and better in research Improve public investment and its impact Coherent Development of Research Policies Objectives:

27 FP7 /27 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Monitoring and analysis:  Information and intelligence service (ERAWATCH)  Industrial research observatory (e.g. scoreboard, surveys)  Development and analysis of S&T indicators (e.g. key figures, scoreboards, strength/weakness assessment)  provide information and analyses in support of the design, implementation, evaluation and transnational coordination of public policies Coherent Development of Research Policies

28 FP7 /28 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Coordination of national and regional research policies  Support the implementation of the Open method of coordination (OMC, including follow-up of the research aspects of the Lisbon strategy)  Initiatives undertaken by several countries or regions on specific policy issues of common interest (OMC-NET)  Strengthen coordination of research policies Return to main presentation Coherent Development of Research Policies

29 FP7 /29 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 International Cooperation Budget: 180 million Euro

30 FP7 /30 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006  Aim:  Support competitiveness through strategic partnerships with third countries in selected fields of science  Address specific problems facing third countries on the basis of mutual interest and mutual benefit  Use S&T cooperation to reinforce the Community’s external relations and other relevant policy International Cooperation

31 FP7 /31 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006  Associated and Candidate countries  Third countries  Industrialised countries  International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC): ACP, Asia, Eastern European and Central Asian countries, Latin America, Mediterranean partner Countries, Western Balkan countries International Cooperation

32 FP7 /32 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006  Specific cooperation actions  Between the EU and ICPC  Cooperation on particular topics  In the case of mutual interest  Closely associated with cooperation agreements and multilateral dialogues  Important tools for cooperation between EU and these countries International Cooperation

33 FP7 /33 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006  Four specific programmes with international dimension:  Cooperation – Collaborative research  Ideas – Frontier Research  People – Human Potential  Capacities – Research Capacity  Coordination of their activities essential International Cooperation

34 FP7 /34 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006  International Cooperation in all themes in strategic interest of Europe  Build S&T partnerships based on mutual interest  Enhance Europe’s competitiveness  Contribute to implementing EU policies and international commitments effectively International Cooperation Cooperation (1)

35 FP7 /35 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006  Specific International Cooperation Actions (SICA) linked to the nine themes to achieve the following strategic objectives:  Early identification of problems in other parts of the world before they affect Europe  Co-operation with and in third countries to find solutions to such problems  Dedicated activities within and across themes in order to address existing complexity in third countries International Cooperation Cooperation (2)

36 FP7 /36 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Ideas – Frontier research:  Aim to integrate the Community into the world-wide research community  Open to third countries on basis of mutual benefit or according to relevant concluded agreements  Participation of third countries to be justified on basis of added scientific value International Cooperation

37 FP7 /37 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 People:  For European Researchers  Outgoing fellowships with mandatory return  Return/reintegration of European researchers abroad  For Third-Country Researchers  Host-Driven actions for third-country researchers  Incoming individual fellowships  Schemes for Neighbouring countries and those with S&T agreement  Scientific “Diaspora” of Europeans abroad and third-country researchers in Europe International Cooperation

38 FP7 /38 EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG - October 2006 Capacities:  Activities of International Cooperation  Synergy with People and Cooperation  Three activities Bi-regional Coordination of S&T Cooperation (INCO-NET) Bilateral S&T Cooperation Partnerships Coordination of National INCO Policies and Activities (ERA-NET) Return to main presentation International Cooperation

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