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Stress Management By Miki Gilbert Ngwaneh (MA International Development, UoS, UK) Coordinator, Short Professional Courses Pan African Institute for Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Stress Management By Miki Gilbert Ngwaneh (MA International Development, UoS, UK) Coordinator, Short Professional Courses Pan African Institute for Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress Management By Miki Gilbert Ngwaneh (MA International Development, UoS, UK) Coordinator, Short Professional Courses Pan African Institute for Development – West Africa (PAID-WA) Buea E-mail:

2  Recap of day 2

3  You will be able to:  Identify the causes and effects of stress  Recognize the different signs and symptoms of stress  Identify sources of stress and coping strategies  Identify optimal levels of stress Session objectives

4 Are you Stressed?


6 Feel like you are Losing It?



9 Some Statistics 9

10  44% of mankind feel more stressed than they did 5 years ago 1 in 5 people report “Extreme Stress” – Shaking, Heart Palpitations, Depression 56.3% of employees report stress has caused difficulty focusing on tasks Over 14% report missing days at work or being late due to stress 21% report stress has caused them to make errors or miss deadlines Some statistics

11  75 -90% of all doctor’s office visits are for stress-related illness/disease Stress is the basic cause of 60% of all human illness/disease 40% of stressed people overeat or eat unhealthy foods 44% of stressed people lose sleep every night Stress is linked to the six leading causes of death – heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide Some statistics

12  Stress…  Researchers define stress as a physical, mental, or emotional response to events that causes bodily or mental tension. Simply put, stress is any outside force or event that has an effect on our body or mind.  An adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to the person’s well-being

13  Stress Facts: Definitions STRESS STRESS: Tension, anxiety, worry, or fear of the unknown and things we can’t control

14  ACUTE STRESS ACUTE STRESS: Pressures and demands of the recent past and anticipated near future Stress Facts: Definitions (cont.)

15  EPISODIC STRESS EPISODIC STRESS: Suffering frequent acute stress Stress Facts: Definitions (cont.)

16  CHRONIC STRESS Stress Facts: Definitions (cont.) CHRONIC STRESS: Long-term, day after day, year after year stress


18  Is All Stress Bad?  Moderate levels of stress may actually improve performance and efficiency  Too little stress may result in boredom  Too much stress may cause an unproductive anxiety level

19  Common Stress Incidents  Driving in a traffic jam  Tight deadlines and a heavy work load  Unplanned financial burdens  Doing something difficult for the first time  A new baby on the way  Unexpected illness or death

20  Types of stress  Eustress … is stress that benefits our health, like physical exercise or getting a promotion  Distress … is stress that harms our health and often results from imbalances between demands made upon us and our resources for dealing with these demands *Answers present in everybody’s life

21 Stressors  School  Work  Family  Relationships  Legal  Finances  Health/illness  Environment  Living Situation

22 Ride on

23 Gholipour A. 2005. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. Role-Related Stressors  Role conflict  Inter-role conflict  Intra-role conflict  Person-role conflict  Role ambiguity  Uncertain duties, authority  Workload  Too much/too little work  Task control  Machine pacing  Monitoring equipment  No work schedule control.

24  Interpersonal Stressor: Workplace Violence and Bullying 1- Workplace violence is a stressor to those who:  Experience violence at work  Observe violence at work  Work in jobs with higher risk of violence 2-Workplace Bullying : Offensive, intimidating, or humiliating behavior that degrades, ridicules, or insults another person at work.  Workplace bullies tend to be people with higher authority  Workplace bullying is reduced through:  Careful hiring  360-degree feedback  Conflict resolution system 3- Sexual Harassment : Unwelcome conduct -- detrimental effect on work environment or job performance  Quid pro quo  employment or job performance is conditional on unwanted sexual relations  Hostile work environment  an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment

25  Gholipour A. 2005. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. Work-Nonwork Stressors  Time-based conflict  due to work schedule, commuting, travel  women still do “second shift” (most housework)  Strain -based conflict  work stress affects home, and vice versa  Role behavior conflict  incompatible work and nonwork roles


27  What Causes Us Stress? While incarcerated prisoners make twenty decisions a day, those of us walking the streets make one hundred & twenty decisions a day. -Prison Fellowship

28   Job insecurity  High demand on performance  Technology  Personal and family problems  Job stress  *women Causes

29  Signs of Stress  Physical  Headache  Back Pain  Fatigue  Aches and Pains  Mental  Difficulty Concentrating  Increased Errors  Poor Decision Making

30 Negative Effects of Stress 1. Physical -Weight gain/loss -Unexpected hair loss -Heart palpitations -High blood pressure 2. Emotional -Mood swings -Anxiety -Can lead to depression Can also lead to unhealthy coping strategies (i.e. alcohol, drugs, etc)

31   Physiological consequences  cardiovascular diseases  ulcers, sexual dysfunction, headaches, cancer  Behavioral consequences  work performance, accidents, decisions  absenteeism -- due to sickness and flight  workplace aggression  Psychological Consequences  moodiness, depression, emotional fatigue Some consequences

32  Myths of Stress  All stress is bad  Stress will not hurt you  What stresses you out also stresses me out  No symptoms, no stress  Only major symptoms of stress are harmful

33  How many hats do you wear?  Personal  Work Related


35  Gholipour A. 2005. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. AccountantArtist Mechanic MechanicForesterSisters’? Low-Stress Occupations High-Stress Occupations Hospital manager Physician (GP) Psychologist School principal Sisters’? Police officer Tel. operator U.S. and Iran President PresidentWaiter/waitressSisters’? Stress and Occupations Medium-Stress Occupations

36  Managing Stress What is your favorite stress reliever?

37 Managing Stress  Stress Relief Strategies 1. Body relaxation exercises - breathing techniques - guided imagery 2. Physical exercise -work out routine 3. Meditation 4. Counseling -talk therapy -life coaching

38  How Can We Manage Stress? Live with an Attitude of Gratitude Be Grateful for what you have.

39  Time Management  Get organized  Get structured  Set short term goals  Set long term goals  Use a planner:  daily schedule and “To Do” list

40  Relaxation  Breathing: practice deep breathing  Progressive muscle relaxation  Guided Imagery  Meditation  Tapes, CDs etc.: Either something structured (commercial) or soothing music  Choose and schedule it in

41  Cognitive (Thoughts)  Pay attention to what you say to yourself  Identify negative thinking and irrational beliefs  Negative thinking leads to stress and anxiety  Teach thought-stopping techniques  Teach affirmations

42  One negative thought leads to another……….. then another……….. then another ….. Pretty soon you have ruined your entire life


44  Spirituality  Church, etc  Help others  Spend quiet time every day  Be thankful  Think positively  Put your faith to work! "I am at peace in the midst of chaos or madness. No person, place or thing has the power to upset me.".

45  Eating  Cut down on sugar, caffeine, processed foods  Eat nutritiously: all food groups, especially fresh fruits and veggies  Eat a little every couple of hours or so  Eat slowly

46 Gholipour A. 2005. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. Family-Friendly and Work-Life Initiatives  Flexible work time  Job sharing  Personal leave  Childcare facilities.

47  Gholipour A. 2005. Organizational Behavior. University of Tehran. Other Stress Management Practices  Withdrawing from the stressor  Permanent -- transfer to better fit job  Temporary -- work breaks, vacations  Changing stress perceptions  Self-efficacy, self-leadership  Controlling stress consequences  Fitness and lifestyle programs  Relaxation and meditation  Employee counseling  Social support  Emotional and informational

48  More Ideas…  Laugh Often  Try a New Thing  Cry  Get Enough Sleep  Exercise & Fresh Air  Build a Support System – Friends, Family and Co-Workers  SAY “NO” OCCASSIONALY

49  Even More Ideas  Let go of perfectionism  Learn to be flexible  Relax your standards  Focus less on pleasing others and more on pleasing yourself  Stay away from negative people  Surround yourself with upbeat, flexible and fun people.

50  Other Helpful tips  Changing perceptions and expectations  Break jobs/tasks into manageable parts  Set reasonable/realistic goals  Avoid procrastination  Set boundaries  Don’t compromise your values/beliefs  Schedule “me” time

51  Personal Stress First Aid Kit  What would you put in yours?  I have in mine…

52 The Key Word Is…. Balance

53  Name Your Stressor  Person  Place  Thing  Combination

54  Ann Landers said… “People take advantage of you only with your permission”

55  Benefits of Stress Management  Physical health gets better -more energy and stamina  Emotions stabilized -positive attitude -hopeful/happier  Ability to focus improved -able to learn and achieve

56  78% say the most common resource used to address stress is their Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). EAPs help employees deal with personal problems that may negatively affect work performance and overall well-being. 46% offer work-life balance programs 45% offer leadership training on worker stress 45% offer on-site healthy lifestyle programs 43% offer a fitness center 38% offer physical activity programs 35% have stress awareness campaigns 30% offer financial management classes 29% offer personal health/lifestyle management coaching  Source: “Stress in the Workplace,” Buck Consultants Survey, What other organizations are doing to reduce stress

57  Stress Management: True or False? Keeping your body in good shape can help reduce stress. It’s less stressful to make a lot of big changes in your life all at once. Talking about the things that stress you just makes you feel more stressed. People who are well organized are usually less stressed.

58   Try to identify the stress factors in your life  Examine your reaction to stress  Learn to react positively to stress  Practice stress management techniques to minimize stress

59  Questions?

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