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If a major earthquake hit Westminster, what problems we would face???

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Presentation on theme: "If a major earthquake hit Westminster, what problems we would face???"— Presentation transcript:

1 If a major earthquake hit Westminster, what problems we would face???

2 Warm-Up: #5 Describe the Silk Road in 5 bullets.

3 HOMEWORK Work on test helper for Wednesday’s Ancient China Test CHINA DAY TOMORROW!!!

4 Warm-Up: #6 What was your favorite parts of China Day and explain why? What would you change about China Day and explain how you would change it?

5 HOMEWORK Work on your Test Helper for this Thursday’s Ancient China Test

6 HAN DYNASTY Pages 281 – 287

7 1) 206 BCE – 220 2) a seismograph which detected earthquakes and where they happened they could rush supplies to help the people and send soldiers to the earthquake area to keep order 3) Legalism – strong rulers and strict laws Confucianism – ruler was like a good father and he set a good example

8 4) most were farmers, lived in mud homes with thatched roofs, work was done by hand or animals, wore simple rough clothing and sandals, ate steamed wheat and millet (north), rice (south), dumplings, fish, very little meat, ginger, garlic, onions, were not wealthy

9 5) 1 in 10 lived in cities, cities were neatly laid out and were centers of government, education, and trade, poor lived in close housing and had gangs, rich lived in big decorated homes and wore fine clothing, had plenty of entertainment – musicians, jugglers, acrobats

10 6) a major trade route in which traders exchanged China’s silk for “western” goods such as glassware and gold 7) Middlemen – agents who went between the buyer and seller and carried on most of the Silk Road Trade so that the secrets of silk making would be protected

11 8) medicine – used herbs, plants, and acupuncture made paper, exceptional art and writing pieces completed first dictionary and increased the number of characters seismograph 9) period of warfare from 220 – 589

12 How were all of the Chinese Dynasties similar? How was the Han Dynasty different from the other Chinese Dynasties? EXIT TICKET:

13 ncestors athrooms owrie shells ay time arthquakes risbee overnment at deas ugglers ings ungshan arket

14 Orth China Plain il easants in en tir fry ea nderground egetables hite ia ellow hou


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