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This presentation includes forward-looking statements. Actual future conditions (including economic conditions, energy demand, and energy supply) could.

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Presentation on theme: "This presentation includes forward-looking statements. Actual future conditions (including economic conditions, energy demand, and energy supply) could."— Presentation transcript:

1 This presentation includes forward-looking statements. Actual future conditions (including economic conditions, energy demand, and energy supply) could differ materially due to changes in technology, the development of new supply sources, political events, demographic changes, and other factors discussed herein and under the heading "Factors Affecting Future Results" in the Investors section of our website at: The information provided includes ExxonMobil's internal estimates and forecasts based upon internal data and analyses as well as publically-available information from external sources including the International Energy Agency. This material is not to be used or reproduced without the permission of Exxon Mobil Corporation. All rights reserved. The Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040 Nick Jones February 3, 2015

2 2 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy trade flows Energy Outlook Development 100 countries 15 demand sectors 20 fuel types technology & policy

3 3 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy People’s Living Standards Depend on Energy

4 4 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy People’s Living Standards Depend on Energy

5 5 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy People’s Living Standards Depend on Energy

6 6 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy 13,000 AA batteries 4,000 smart phone batteries Energy Measures and Units 24,500 BTU1 log= 5 logs1 gallon gasoline= 36 kWh=

7 7 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy 2010 U.S. Daily Per Capita Energy Demand 7 6 Household Use Personal Transportation 6 Commercial Transportation 4 Industrial 11 Commercial Buildings 34 Total 7

8 8 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy 2010 World Daily Energy Demand 34 U.S. Per Capita 7 Times 7 billion people = ~12 billion gallons per day 260 MBDOE 525 QUADS 9 World Per Capita 1.7

9 9 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Energy Use Evolves Over Time Quadrillion BTUs Global Mix of Fuels Biomass Coal Oil Gas Hydro Nuclear Biomass Coal Oil Biomass Coal Oil Gas Hydro Nuclear Source: Smil, Energy Transitions (1800-1960) Other Renewables 180019002000185019502040

10 10 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Global Progress Drives Demand Population Billion GDP Trillion 2010$ Energy Demand Quadrillion BTUs OECD* Key Growth China India Rest of World Energy Savings *Mexico and Turkey included in Key Growth countries

11 11 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy The Middle Class Continues to Grow Billion People China India Key Growth Rest of World OECD* Middle Class per The Brookings Institution Brazil Mexico South Africa Nigeria Saudi Arabia Indonesia Thailand Egypt China India Turkey Iran *Mexico and Turkey included in Key Growth countries

12 12 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Global Urbanization & Major Cities (2040) 2040 Percentage Urban 0-50% 50-75% 75-100% 2010 City – 10 million + 2040 City – 10 million + Source: United Nations and ExxonMobil estimates

13 13 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Primary Energy Demand by Sector Quadrillion BTUs ‘10 ‘25 ‘40 TransportationRes/CommIndustrialElectricity Generation Electricity Generation Leads Growth

14 14 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Transportation

15 15 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Sector Demand MBDOE Light Duty Marine Rail Heavy Duty Aviation Transportation Demand

16 16 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy 2040 LDV Fleet Base Fleet Population Growth Improved Standard of Living Light Duty Vehicle Fleet and Demand World LDV Demand MBDOE Improved Standard of Living Population Growth Million *Mexico and Turkey included in Key Growth countries Energy Savings

17 17 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Transportation Fuel Demand World MBDOE United States MBDOE Diesel Gasoline Ethanol Biodiesel Jet Fuel Fuel Oil Other Natural Gas

18 18 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy z Industrial

19 19 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Industrial Demand Industrial Demand by Sector Quadrillion BTUs Other Energy Industry Heavy Industry Chemical Plastics Fertilizer Paint Steel Textiles Liquid Fuels Coal Natural Gas Agriculture Lubricants Asphalt Automobiles

20 20 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Industrial Demand Growth Shifts; Intensity Improves Quadrillion BTUs Industrial Demand GrowthIndustrial Energy Intensity OECD* China India Key Growth Rest of World ‘95 ‘10 ‘25 ‘40 Thousand BTUs per Dollar of GDP *Mexico and Turkey included in Key Growth countries

21 21 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Chemical Demand ‘10 ‘25 ‘40 Quadrillion BTUs Chemical Demand by Fuel TypeChemical Demand by Region Quadrillion BTUs United States OECD* China India Key Growth Rest of World *Mexico and Turkey included in Key Growth countries

22 22 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Electricity Generation

23 23 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Improved Standard of Living Population Growth Electricity Demand Electricity Demand by Region Thousand TWh Electricity Demand Thousand TWh United States India Europe China Key Growth 2014 Industrial Growth Base Demand

24 24 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy GW Global Capacity Utilized Global Electricity Generation Mix Evolves k TWh By Generation Wind & Solar Oil Coal Nuclear Other Renewables Gas ‘10 ‘40

25 25 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Electricity Generation Fuel by Region Quadrillion BTUs ‘10 ‘25 ‘40 Key Growth Oil Gas Coal Nuclear Solar Wind Other *Mexico and Turkey included in Key Growth countries

26 26 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Global Demand 2040 By Fuel Quadrillion BTUs Average Growth / Yr. 2010 - 2040 Average Growth / Yr. 2010 - 2040 1.0% 2010 0.8% 1.6% 2.3% 0.5% 5.8% 1.8% 0.1%

27 27 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy CO 2 Emissions

28 28 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy World Emissions Billion metric tonnes CO 2 Emissions by Region OECD* Rest of World India China Key Growth *Mexico and Turkey included in Key Growth countries Emissions per Capita Tonnes / Person ‘10 ‘40

29 29 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Supply z z

30 30 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Conventional Crude & Condensate Liquids Supply MBDOE World Supply by Type Trillion Barrels Crude & Condensate Resource Estimates Biofuels Other Tight Oil Oil Sands Natural Gas Liquids Deepwater Developed Conventional Crude & Condensate New Conventional C&C Development Source: USGS and IEA historical estimates

31 31 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Liquids Trade Balance by Region North America MBDOE Other Natural Gas Liquids Biofuels Tight Oil Oil Sands Deepwater Conventional C&C Development Conventional Crude & Condensate Demand ‘10‘30‘20‘40‘10‘20‘30‘40

32 32 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Liquids Trade Balance by Region North America Latin America EuropeRussia/ Caspian AfricaMiddle East Asia Pacific MBDOE Biofuels Natural Gas Liquids Other Tight Oil Oil Sands Deepwater Conventional C&C Development Conventional Crude & Condensate Demand ‘10‘30‘40‘20

33 33 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Gas Trade Balance by Region North America Latin America EuropeRussia/ Caspian AfricaMiddle East Asia Pacific BCFD ‘10‘30‘40‘20 Demand Unconventional Production Conventional Production

34 34 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Indicative trade flows Energy Trade

35 35 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Local Production Pipeline LNG Local Production Energy Trade BCFD Gas DemandLiquids Demand MBDOE Imports/Exports

36 36 ExxonMobil 2015 Outlook for Energy Developing Economies Dominate Growth OECD* Rest of World India China Key Growth Quadrillion BTUs Demand by Region *Mexico and Turkey included in Key Growth countries

37 37 The Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040


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