European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) Jürgen Anthofer EIARD Executive Secretary.

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Presentation on theme: "European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) Jürgen Anthofer EIARD Executive Secretary."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) Jürgen Anthofer EIARD Executive Secretary

2 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) What is EIARD? EIARD is a permanent informal ARD policy coordination platform The Communication (COM(97)126) on EIARD was recognised by the Council and European Parliament in 1997. aims to promote and implement coherent European policies at international, regional and sub-regional levels aims to coordinate and harmonize European investments in ARD

3 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) Members of EIARD The members of EIARD are the EU Member States, plus Norway, Switzerland and the European Commission EIARD representatives are ARD policy makers and their advisers.

4 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) European Coordination Group (ECG) EIARD Secretariat EIARD WG Ad-hoc WGs Task Forces Government Departments MinistriesAdvisers National Contact Points National EIARD Network OuTSIDE WORLDOuTSIDE WORLD OuTSIDE WORLDOuTSIDE WORLD Structure

5 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) EIARD Strategy ad-hoc Working Group: David Radcliffe, Carmen Thönnissen, Jürgen Anthofer, Eddie Brannigan, Daniel van Gilst, Corinne Abbas EIARD Strategy 2014-2018

6 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) EIARD Goal Strategic Plan 2014-2018 We seek to reduce poverty, to promote economic growth, food and nutrition security, sustainable management of natural resources in Africa, Latin America and Asia, … … through effective and harmonized European investments and policies in ARD, promotion of international partnerships and support to capacity development.

7 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) EIARD Outputs Strategic Plan 2014-2018 1.Effective coordination of European ARD Policies 2.Effective coordination of European investments in strengthening the CGIAR 3.Effective coordination of European investments in strengthening ARD organisations at global, continental and sub-continental levels, especially in Africa. 4.Effective coordination between European policies and investments in ARD and in rural development 5.Effective advocacy, information, and communication about ARD

8 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) Strategic Output 1 Coordination of European ARD Policies Networking activities (EIARD WG & ECG, SCAR, EFARD) Joint SCAR-EIARD Strategic Working Group on AR- ARD linkages (ARCH) Rolling Work Plan WG Meetings Study on Intersection AR – ARD Study for a proposed KMS for "Improving Coordination of AR-ARD activities in Europe" ARCH-AKIS Workshop May ‘14

9 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) Strategic Output 2 Coordination of European investments in strengthening the CGIAR CGIAR Fund European contribution to the CGIAR 2013: CGIAR Fund ~306 Mio $US (47%) CGIAR in total ~404 Mio $US (40%) Europe has 7 Fund Council seats: European Commission Switzerland Norway Ireland* United Kingdom Netherlands Sweden *France (2013), Ireland (2014), Belgium (2015)

10 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) Harmonizing investments to the CGIAR CGIAR Fund EIARD coordinates the European voices by common EIARD positions EIARD participation in FC Committees and Working Groups Governance Committee (FCGC) – UK, Switzerland Evaluation and Impact Assessment Committee (EIAC) – UK, Netherlands Peer Review Team – Sweden FC Resource Group (FCRG) – Norway, UK FC Intellectual Property (FCIP) Group – Netherlands Consortium Board Observer representing the FC - Switzerland

11 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) EC is part of the CAADP-CGIAR SC MoU AUC – CGIAR Consortium Strategic Output 3 African and sub-continental level

12 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) Strategic support to FARA and the SROs Financial crisis Strategic Output 3 African and sub-continental level

13 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) Strategic Output 3 African and sub-continental level EU-Africa High Level Policy Dialogue on Science, Technology and Innovation First priority on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture

14 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) Strategic Output 4 Coordination between investments in ARD and in rural development Permanent topic on the CGIAR agenda ("delivery") Round table private session "Innovation serving food and nutrition security in Europe and Africa" – linking private sector/research

15 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) Strategic Output 5 ► Helps to lobby for increased investments into ARD Advocacy, information and communication

16 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) EIARD Case Study - Background EU Policy Framework for Food Security (COM(2010)127) Plan to Implement the Food and Nutrition Security commitments (SWD(2013)104) Council requested in May 2013 a consolidated biannual progress report how did the EU and the EU MS adhere to the 3Cs of coherence, complementarity, and coordination in executing the six policy priorities

17 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) EIARD Case Study – Key Question EIARD as a mechanism to facilitate coordination of European policy and investments for ARD

18 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) EIARD Case Study - Impact ARD policies of the EU and Members States have been influenced by EIARD (activities, thematic studies, and coordinated work) EIARD had a prominent role in creating the Joint SCAR /EIARD Strategic Working Group ARCH EIARD has facilitated opportunities for enhanced participation of civil society organizations in ARD activities and processes EIARD has influenced the transformation of CGIAR governance and strategy, results based management, and the formulation of the CGIAR Research Programmes (CRPs) in terms of approaches and thematic content EIARD has also contributed to a more substantive alignment of the CGIAR agenda to CAADP EIARD has played an important role in ensuring that the Sub- Saharan Africa- Challenge Programme (SSA-CP) was accepted as a CGIAR programme and is sufficiently funded

19 European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) Continue to support the CGIAR but...... We need also a coordinated approach to support global, continental and sub-continental ARD programmes and strategies beyond the CGIAR What next? Thank you for your attention

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