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Everyone is responsible for health and safety.. WHMIS WHMIS is designed to help workers, students, teachers and employers to understand the risks posed.

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Presentation on theme: "Everyone is responsible for health and safety.. WHMIS WHMIS is designed to help workers, students, teachers and employers to understand the risks posed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Everyone is responsible for health and safety.

2 WHMIS WHMIS is designed to help workers, students, teachers and employers to understand the risks posed by hazardous materials in the workplace. Identify hazards in the workplace. WHMIS ensures consistency of information provided to the workers about the hazardous materials in all Canadian Workplaces. This is accomplished with the use of proper labels, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and worker training.

3 Right To Know The student and teacher has the right to know if the chemicals being handled are hazardous and if they are hazardous, what safe handling, storage, use and disposal measures should be taken.

4 Legislation Federal legislation –The Hazardous Products Act Ensures that hazardous products have labels and MSDSs –The Controlled Products Regulations Identifies the classes of controlled products Identifies the information required on labels and in MSDSs –The Hazardous Materials Information Review Act Protects Trade Secrets

5 Benefits Benefits from the WHMIS program are: Better informed teachers and students Safer and healthier working conditions Reduced accidents and illnesses

6 Duties Employer –Ensure that all controlled products have WHMIS labels –Acquires MSDSs and makes them available to all workers –Trains studentss to safely store and handle the chemicals Student –Must cooperate with the WHMIS program –Use the training to protect their health –Comply with all Legislation

7 WHMIS Classes WHMIS uses classifications to group chemicals with similar properties or hazards. The Controlled Products Regulations specifies the criteria used to place materials within each classification. These classes are: Class A Compressed Gas Class B Flammable and Combustible Material Class C Oxidizing Materials Class D Poisonous and Infectious Materials Class E Corrosive Materials Class F Dangerously Reactive Materials

8 Labels A WHMIS label is a source of information on all controlled products designed to alert workers to the dangers and hazards of the products and the basic safety precautions to be followed. The label will be the first hazard people are likely to see. –Supplier Labels Required on all controlled products as a condition of sale or import. –Workplace Labels Required on materials that have been decanted from a larger container. Replace labels that are defaced or lost –Product Identifiers Located on pipes and tanks Piles of materials

9 Supplier Label  Format –Distinctive broken-line WHMIS border –Must stand out from the colour of the container –Must not conflict with TDG labels –English and French must be used –Must be durable and easy to read

10 Supplier Label The supplier is required to provide the following 7 items of information on the label: 1)Name of the Product – chemical name, brand name, trade name or common name 2)Name of the Supplier 3)A reference to the MSDS – a statement alerting the user that additional information is available 4)Hazard symbols – could have more than one symbol if the product falls into more than one category 5)Risk Phrases – short statement identifying hazardous properties 6)Precautionary measures – short statement describing precautions to be taken when handling, using, disposing or being exposed to the controlled product 7)First Aid Measures – short statement describing the immediate steps to be taken when an accident occurs.

11 Supplier Label Smaller containers require less information. Containers with volumes < 100ml 1)Product identifier 2)Supplier identifier 3)A MSDS statement 4)A hazard symbol

12 Workplace Label  Format  No format  No hatched border  No colour requirements  Information Required on the Label:  Product identifier  Safe handling instructions  Statement referring to MSDS


14 Labels  Product Identifiers Tags Placards Decals

15 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) What are they? –A technical document that summarizes the health and safety information on a controlled product –Provide detailed information about health risks –Describe the properties of the controlled product –Informs the worker about safe handling requirements –Describes applicable protective measures and emergency procedures Who is Responsible? –The employer is responsible to ensure the MSDS is available to all workers Where are they located? –Hard Copies Located at the entrances to the laboratories, work areas and in the Control Room –Computer Manufacturer/supplier websites CCOHS website

16 MSDS  Format The MSDS will vary in format from one supplier to another. The MSDS may vary in length, presentation and wording. It must have a minimum of 9 sections. The sections cannot be left blank, if information is unknown then it must be stated in the document. All hazardous ingredients must be disclosed. They cannot be more than 3 years old. Care must be taken to read each MSDS and become familiar with the document to be able to locate the required information.

17 MSDS MSDS Sections: 1.Hazardous Ingredients 2.Preparation Information 3.Product Information 4.Physical Data 5.Fire or Explosion Hazard 6.Reactivity Data 7.Toxicological Properties 8.Preventive Measures 9.First Aid Measures

18 MSDS - Sections 1)Hazardous Ingredients This section must provide information on the name concentration and toxicity of each of the hazardous ingredients of a controlled product. Chemical Identity Concentration CAS Number (Chemical Abstract Service) PIN Number (Product Identification Number) LD50 (lethal dose 50) –The lethal single dose required to cause death in 50% of a test animal population. LC50 (lethal concentration 50) –The concentration in air which, administered over a specific period of time, is expected to cause death in 50% of the test animal population.

19 MSDS - Sections 2) Preparation Information Name of the person or department who prepared the document Phone number Preparation date

20 MSDS - Sections 3) Product Information Product Name Product Use Manufacturer Identifier Supplier Name and Address Emergency Phone Numbers

21 MSDS - Sections 4) Physical Data This section provides information on the physical properties of the product. Physical State pH Odour and Appearance Odour Threshold Vapour Pressure Vapour Density Boiling Point Freezing Point Evaporation Rate Percent Volatile Specific Gravity Coefficient of Water/Oil Distribution

22 MSDS - Sections 5) Fire or Explosion Data Provide information to assist with fire and explosion prevention. Flashpoint Auto-ignition temperature Lower Flammable Limit Upper Flammable Limit Means of Extinction Sensitivity to Impact Sensitivity to Static Discharge Hazardous combustion Products Conditions of Flammability

23 MSDS - Sections 6) Reactivity Data This section provides information on the stability of the product and its reaction with other chemicals or exposure to heat, shock or temperature. Chemical stability Incompatible materials Conditions of reactivity Hazardous decomposition products

24 MSDS - Sections 7) Toxicological Properties This section provides information on how the product enters the body and what the short and long term effects are to be on the exposed worker. Routes of entry – Inhalation, skin contact, eye contact, ingestion Exposure Limits Irritancy to product Sensitivity to Product Carcinogenicity Reproductive Toxicity Teratogenicity Mutagenicity

25 MSDS - Sections 8) Preventive Measures This section provides information to the worker that protect the health and safety of the worker during transportation, storage, use and disposal. Personal Protective Equipment –Gloves –Respiratory –Eye –Footwear Engineering controls –Ventilation controls Leak and spill procedure Waste disposal Storage requirement Handling procedures

26 Fume Hood

27 MSDS - Sections 9) First Aid Measures Provides the necessary information for the immediate treatment of a person experiencing acute effects from inhalation, ingestion, eye contact or skin contact with a hazardous substance.

28 Exempted Materials There are materials that are not covered by WHMIS because they are covered by other legislation. These materials are: Manufactured Materials Tobacco Products Wood Products Consumer Products- Consumer Products Act Explosives – Explosives Act Food & Drugs – Food and Drug Act Pesticides – Pesticide Control Act Radioactive Materials – CNSC Act Hazardous Wastes

29 Trade Secrets  The Hazardous Materials Information Review Act Allows companies to protect valuable information regarding their products. A company must file a claim and receive a registry number. This information is only given to a health professional.

30 Training An employer shall ensure that a worker who works with or in the proximity to a controlled product is informed about all the hazard information and other information concerning the safe use, storage and handling of hazardous materials. This training can come in 2 forms, generic and specific. –Generic Training WHMIS training includes: –Labels –MSDS –Specific Training Site specific –Supervisor

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