SELF-BRANDING PROJECT Creating a package of YOU. DO NOW: 1.Please Log in to you computer. Make sure your internet is working! 2.Use the magnifying glass.

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Presentation on theme: "SELF-BRANDING PROJECT Creating a package of YOU. DO NOW: 1.Please Log in to you computer. Make sure your internet is working! 2.Use the magnifying glass."— Presentation transcript:

1 SELF-BRANDING PROJECT Creating a package of YOU. DO NOW: 1.Please Log in to you computer. Make sure your internet is working! 2.Use the magnifying glass to open Google Chrome 3.Go to 4.Download today’s instructional PowerPoint: Self-Branding PowerPoint 5.This PowerPoint will have the instructions for all of this weeks assignments! 6.* NOTE: If you are at a computer that does not have Photoshop, please partner up with someone who does. Follow along by downloading the PowerPoint:

2 GOAL: REAL WORLD APPLICATION  My goal as your teacher is to give you something valuable you can use even after you leave my class. Complete your assignments, turn them in, and you’ll leave my class with a 100%.  Most of this project should be just one BIG REVIEW. Next week we will begin our FINAL PROJECT!  This project will involve 2 major parts:  A Personal Logo  A Business Card

3 WHAT IS BRANDING?  Branding is creating a unique name or image for a product, using a consistent theme to establish a popular presence that attracts and retains loyal customers.  Self branding is a way of SELLING YOURSELF in a way that makes you recognizable and interesting to employers.

4 Logo – A Review  This logo must define YOU.  It will be on your Business Card! You’re trying to get a job – to impress people! You want it to look GOOD. You want employers to be IMPRESSED.  You CANNOT trace OR copy someone else's design/logo. You MUST make it your own. You can use inspiration, but you will NOT receive credit for stolen artwork or deliberately copied design.  There are several options for a personal Logo:  Initials  Full Name  Symbol  Combination


6 LOGO (INSTRUCTIONS)  Step 1: Research! – You will create a folder with at least 5 images that inspire you!  Step 2: The Mock-up – you will draw 4 sketches on the provided template. 2 of the MUST be in COLOR.  DUE BY THE END OF CLASS TODAY.  Step 3: Make it Digital! (Turn a sketch into a digital illustration)  DUE BY THE END OF CLASS TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY  Must be 5” inches x 5” inches  170 RESOLUTION  Step 4: Profit

7 Logo (Con’t)  There are a lot of things to consider when creating a logo.  I do not believe I properly introduced them to you the first time, and so we will do a little bit of a review before we start on our own.  Refer to the Infographics included in the blog post!  Things to Consider:  What Color & Emotion are you aiming for?  CLEAN & SIMPLE!  Will it LOOK GOOD? (It’ll be on my business card!)  Is it RECOGNIZABLE?

8 The Logo “Mock-up”  I usually call these “thumbnail/brainstorm sketches”.  In the professional world, these are required pre-creation techniques used to get the best result. You will make multiple sketches of different ideas until you are satisfied.

9 THE BUSINESS CARD  Need a quick an easy way to give out your contact info?  Trying to impress your employer-to-be with your technical know how?  What better way to advertise yourself? Give them a Business card!

10 BUSINESS CARD (INSTRUCTIONS)  Using your newly created digital logo, you will design your own personal business cards!  You will make 2 separate documents. One for the FRONT of the card, one for the BACK of the card!  Each document must be:  3.5” inches x 2” inches  170 RESOLUTION  Lastname_Firstname_Front  Lastname_Firstname_Back  When in doubt USE REFERENCE! Look at other effective business cards! REQUIRED INFORMATION: Your name Professional Email Your Phone #’s Your personal website address OR your blog website OR your physical address

11 How do I “make IT DIGITAL?”  I have now created a video for those of you who have forgotten how to ‘make it digital’.  This video will be listed under Tutorials on  Although the creation is not catered towards creating a logo, you will use those EXACT TECHNIQUES in order to ‘make it digital’. Follow them!

12 Today’s Assignments  1. Create a Folder on your desktop named Lastname_Firstname_LogoInspiration  Find and save AT LEAST 5 images of logo designs that inspire you! You can also save images of business cards that inspire you, too!  Submit that folder to the class drive!  THINGS TO GOOGLE:  Personal Logo  Logo Design  Creative Business Cards  *A word that defines you* + Logo  EG. Angry Logo, Innocent Logo, Unique Logo, Power Logo  2. Sketch out 4 ‘mock-up’ sketches of your personal logo. 2 of them are REQUIRED to be in color. Get these done TODAY, as you will only have TOMORROW to make them DIGITAL!!  3. If you finish early (which I doubt) you will begin to make your logo DIGITAL! This will be due by the end of NEXT CLASS! REMEMBER: You’re responsible for YOUR grade. I will only care as much as YOU care.

13 TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY ASSIGNMENTS!  1. Turn in the 4 thumbnail sketches of your Logo if not turned in on Monday! Make sure 2 are in COLOR!  2. Make your best sketch into a Digital Logo! Refer to “Making It Digital” video if you do not remember how!  Save a.psd named Lastname_Firstname_Logo  3. If finished early, begin work on your Business Card, FRONT & BACK. Refer to the video Business Card Creation for more instructions!

14 THURSDAY/FRIDAY ASSIGNMENTS!  1. Turn in anything you did not complete earlier this week: 4 thumbnails of Logo, Digital Logo  Save Logo as a.psd named Lastname_Firstname_Logo  2. Complete Business Card, FRONT & BACK. Refer to the video Business Card Creation for more instructions!  Save your Business Card files into a FOLDER named Lastname_Firstname_BusinessCard  1.jpg of Lastname_Firstname_Front  1.jpg of Lastname_Firstname_Back

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