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UC, OK, but... Data News Business Forum Tom Van Wint.

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Presentation on theme: "UC, OK, but... Data News Business Forum Tom Van Wint."— Presentation transcript:

1 UC, OK, but... Data News Business Forum Tom Van Wint

2 My definition UC is not a product Instead, UC is a combination of products, tied in a way that any device can use any resource UC is therefore a concept

3 UC vs UM Unified Messaging takes care of all non-real- time communications (mail, fax, SMS,...) Unified Communications takes care of all real- time communications (voice, video,...) But what is voicemail then? And what is voicemail-to-mail then?

4 Components Communication channels – Mail – Fax – Voice (and voice conferencing) – Video (and video conferencing) – Chat (IM) – Presence – Desktop sharing Devices – PDA – Fax – Phone (mobile or fixed) – Video equipment – PC

5 Arguments Project delays because you don’t know HOW to contact a colleague? CapEx is evil! (Is it?)... and a bunch we’ve already heard about during the transition to IP telephony

6 The green grass at the other side... One voicemail system, preferrably the Office Presence identification Integrated messaging, such as fax, mail and voicemail Instant Messaging Conferencing (audio & video)

7 The green grass at this side... Which voicemail system? Why not forward? Presence should be managed, but... Fax-to-mail, sound on platforms such as Citrix Is IM really “more productive”? And is it “instant”? Is conferencing a UC feature? Who takes credit?

8 Device centric to User Centric A MUST READ: SIP Communications for Dummies SIP URIs and consequences Increased complexity for techs?

9 Processes... Some funny examples Demo of IM to backoffice Star Trek The Ends of the Saucage

10 My crystal ball UC will become a standard feature in any communication system The cloud...

11 My crystal ball The McCloud...

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