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T HE M OVIE R EPOSITORY By Sharada Sri Perumbudur Rajat K. Bheda.

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Presentation on theme: "T HE M OVIE R EPOSITORY By Sharada Sri Perumbudur Rajat K. Bheda."— Presentation transcript:

1 T HE M OVIE R EPOSITORY By Sharada Sri Perumbudur Rajat K. Bheda

2 Description This project provides you with a specialized search with all the details you need about a movie. We have different movie sites which provide certain details about the movies but we don’t have a specialized site which gives you all the details such as description, images, videos, reviews, plot summaries etc. at one place itself. If you enter a movie to be searched then you get all the details about the movie i.e. its description, reviews, videos etc. Also if the movie is new you get the locations of all the theatres near to your location which have the movie with their Showtime's.

3 Description If the movie is relatively old then you get all the geographical locations near to you and also the online resources where you can buy or rent the movie e.g. RedBox locations, blockbuster locations etc. Also the plot summaries of the movies is provided. To get all these details we scrape different sites search as Google, Bing, imdb, Redbox, Blockbuster etc. using Perl to get the required details.

4 List Of Software to be used Perl (Mainly for scraping through the IMDb, Google, etc. sites) HTML and style sheets for layout. We would be using the web services provided by for doing the geoIP part

5 Individuals are specifically supposed to do We would be diving the project into 3 main part viz. Scraping, geoIP finding part and the main user interface part So Sharada would do the scraping of plot summaries, movie videos and Rajat would do the scraping of reviews and images. Then we would both work together on the geoIP and user interface part.

6 Sample Snapshot


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