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BUILD & PUBLISH A WEBSITE Introduction. WORDPRESS It is a Blogging software, like an online diary Take away the Blogging part and it as a simple CMS (Content.

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Presentation on theme: "BUILD & PUBLISH A WEBSITE Introduction. WORDPRESS It is a Blogging software, like an online diary Take away the Blogging part and it as a simple CMS (Content."— Presentation transcript:


2 WORDPRESS It is a Blogging software, like an online diary Take away the Blogging part and it as a simple CMS (Content Management System)

3 WHY WORDPRESS?  It is Easy to use  It is Popular  It is Free

4 WHAT SHOULD YOU PAY FOR?  Web Hosting  Domain name If you had to spend money, do another short course, or pay for Photographs Possibly after a year you may consider paying for a custom theme.

5 STARTING Holmesglen network (you don’t do this at home) Go to: then navigate to: Short courses / Build and Publish a Website


7 YOUR SITE Here you will see a list of names. Click on the site next to your name. You can access this page from anywhere!


9 DETAILS  Name the site  Create a User name  Create a password  Give an email address  Indicate if you want the site indexed


11 CREATE YOUR SITE  It can be anything that you want  You can make something up, follow the instructor or Base it on the site that you want to create

12 THESE ARE CHANGEABLE You can change all of these setting from within the software. Provided you have the username and password to get into the software

13 REMEMBER!  Please write down your username and password  If you forget them, I cannot help you

14 TWO INTERFACES There are two ways to access your website,  The public view  The administration back end



17 ADMIN INTERFACE  Only you can access the admin interface  Not the public, unless you give them your password  Add the file: /wp-admin.php To get to the login page, eg /wp-admin.php


19 LOG IN Type your username and password in  If you have forgotten your username, But did use a real email, then you can use the “Lost your password?” link to have a reset link emailed to youLost your password?

20 WEB PAGES  80% if not more of your job in putting together your website will be creating pages.  Pages and linking them and putting the text, images, videos, etc is what building a web site is all about  To start, navigate to Page > All Pages



23 THIS WEEK We will do a bunch of Pages And then we will change the Theme. We should have time to look at  Adding Images  Hopefully adding hyperlinks It is unlikely that we will get onto looking at the Settings

24 NEXT WEEK We will recap this weeks creating pages, and look at:  Settings (what you should do before you start)  Installing more Themes  Custom Menus  Themes  Plugins

25 THEORY This week or next we will also talk about:  Buying a domain name  Web hosting  The easiest way to install Wordress  Using Google Anayltics  How the Google search works

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