Arts and Literacy Projects and theories that contributes to the importance of dance literacy.

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Presentation on theme: "Arts and Literacy Projects and theories that contributes to the importance of dance literacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arts and Literacy Projects and theories that contributes to the importance of dance literacy.

2 Arts Literacy Project Brown University and Brown High School are developing partnerships from the community to internationally for artists, teachers, youths and students continue finding new ways to connect art and literacy.

3 ArtsLiteracy Project Artists and teachers has the wonderful opportunity to create lesson plans and unit plans based on the school’s curriculum. Students are able to incorporate text into their performance to share with their schools. Academic teachers are also given the opportunity to learn from artists in their environment.

4 Engaging Students There are three ways to continue engaging students in Dance Literacy Participation in group activity and lessons that increases the mental and physical perception Problem Solving would encourage creative thinking, vocabulary, perception and responses. Catalytic Action would support the body awareness while critically thinking.

5 NYC Department of education The Blueprint for the arts is offering a substantial amount ideas for unit/plans for grades K-12 that incorporates dance literacy in the dance classroom. Dance Units includes: creating dances from poetry, bringing history into life through dance, dance history, choreography projects and research and many more.

6 Learning Dance through African History

7 Common Elements of Reading, Writing, and the Arts Interpreting symbols systems Gaining competency through practice and repetition Studying a variety of genres Reflecting on societies and cultures Composing/writing/creating for different purposes

8 Supporting various levels of meaning-personal interpretation, connections to own experience, connections to past events Expressing or evoking feelings/emotions * Based on North Carolina Standards of Arts Education

9 Languages/expressions on Dance

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