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Wordpress as a content management system Building a better website with content management systems | June 12, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Wordpress as a content management system Building a better website with content management systems | June 12, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wordpress as a content management system Building a better website with content management systems | June 12, 2009

2 A Little Background Original site cluttered, difficult to navigatesite Staff with limited knowledge of HTML or web authoring tools needed to be able to update it No $ for professional web designer or intensive staff training A Little Background Original site cluttered, difficult to navigatesite Staff with limited knowledge of HTML or web authoring tools needed to be able to update it No $ for professional web designer or intensive staff training

3 Why Wordpress? Personal familiarity Free! Supported by NOBLE (North of Boston Library Exchange) Easy to add, change, & correct public content with no HTML knowledge Large number of users = lots of open source templates & plug-insopen source templates plug-ins Ability to customize template (change colors & other aspects of the CSS, add new page templates, etc.)

4 Host is WP takes care of updates Less control, but also less work The URL will be Advanced features like editing the CSS cost $ Can’t upload own plug-ins Uploaded to your server (access to FTP client & text editor needed and web host must have PHP & MySQL) You have to handle updates, backups, & be able to cope with heavy site traffic PHP and HTML knowledge very helpful URL= any domain name Can edit CSS, add own plug-ins

5 Getting Started with Wordpress Activate Akismet – it stops spam Keep it private until you are ready to launch Select a template that will best suit your needs (or create your own) Save a backup of the template Start making changes

6 Editing the Appearance

7 Widgets If your theme is widget-ready, you can use various widgets to add content to the sidebarwidgets Examples: Flickr badge Event calendar Twitter feed

8 Custom Image Header Depends on the theme. Allows simple edits to the image header and/or provides the dimensions of the header so that a new image can be uploaded

9 Editing Theme Files Files are written in PHP Be sure to play with the site to see how each page looks: comments category archive page 404 page Edit each file as needed


11 Creating New Page Templates New page templates can be quickly created by copying the page.php file into a text editor and making a few changes Add: <?php /* Template Name: Your_template_name */ ?> Before:

12 For a page to have a different sidebar… Replace: Edit the rest of the template as needed and save it as “page-your_template_name.php”

13 Creating New Sidebars Copy the sidebar.php file into a text editor Add/change content as needed Save as “sidebar- your_template_name.php” Now you have a new page template with new sidebar


15 Plug-ins Wordpress plug-ins are PHP programs that add specific features or services to a blog Examples: Add to any Akismet Google analytics

16 NOBLE Libraries Using Wordpress

17 Questions? Wordpress Codex Wordpress Forums Building a WordPress blog people want to read by Scott McNulty Theresa Maturevich Beverly Public Library (978) 921-6062

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