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 Mineral Daily is produced from purest water.  Mineral Daily, for the most part, covers the need for minerals, vitamins, and trace elements.  Thereby.

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Presentation on theme: " Mineral Daily is produced from purest water.  Mineral Daily, for the most part, covers the need for minerals, vitamins, and trace elements.  Thereby."— Presentation transcript:


2  Mineral Daily is produced from purest water.  Mineral Daily, for the most part, covers the need for minerals, vitamins, and trace elements.  Thereby deficiency symptoms and undersupply can be avoided.

3  Water is purified and cleaned of all inorganic materials by reverse osmosis, the technically best cleaning procedure.  The de-ionized water is enriched with organic “bioavailable” substances, which are useable for the body.  (Afterwards energized and bottled) Reverse osmosis is the most effective cleaning procedure for water; thereby water of highest purity is created.

4  Mineral Daily contains purely organic mineral materials, micronutrients and vitamins.  Only organic materials are optimally bioavailable for our body. They can be utilized fast and easily by the body.  Wellness acts all the way to the smallest cells of the body.  Absorption already starts in the mouth. Bioavailability means that a supplied utilized material is traceably absorbed into the tissue and the organism.

5  All systems of the body need water for functioning. 92% of blood, 98% of body secretion, 70% of brain cells consist of water.  Our body releases more than about 2.5 liters of water per day; for that reason at least this amount of high quality liquid should be re- supplied to our body. If you don’t want to abstain from your coffee, have the double amount of water with it to balance the dehydrating effect.

6  About 5% of our bodies are mineral materials and trace elements.  Our bodies need these as biomaterial for the growth of our bones, teeth, hair, skin, nails, for our heart and circulatory system, our nervous system, muscles and brain.  They control our fluid balance, transport vitamins, oxygen, hormones and much more. Mineral materials should be supplied in organically dissolved form, totally bioavailable !

7  Most substances are supplied to our body in solid and not liquid form.  Because of the influences of digestion, availability is impaired.  Water solubility of a substance is a necessary prerequisite for the absorption into the body.  Our mucous membranes are well supplied with blood and perfect for the absorption of liquid substances. They need not be broken down by digestion. Substances get directly into our bloodstream via our oral cavity without passing our liver.


9  With an undersupply of calcium, the body falls back upon the reserves bound in the bones, which undermines the stability of the bones.  Milk products can not be tolerated by about 50% of the population and are therefore not sufficient suppliers.  Calcium can only be absorbed optimally by the body in connection with magnesium.  60% of the magnesium in our body can be found in the bones and after calcium it is the most important mineral in the body.  The body needs magnesium for: the cardiac muscle, the bones and teeth, membrane strength and the nervous system  Magnesium has a soothing effect on: urinary calculus, arrhythmias, hypertension, cramps, migraine. stress, PMS and pregnancy problems (nausea, vomiting) Calcium performance worsens due to: oxalic acid (spinach, cacao), phytine acid (fresh cereals), salt, coffee, alcohol. Deficiency occurs because of: deficiency in B vitamins, stress, consumption of alcohol, pregnancy and breast feeding, cortisone containing drugs and diuretics.

10  Potassium, as an antagonist of sodium, controls the water balance of the body, the acid base balance, the nerve stimulus line as well as muscular contractions and diaphragmatic activity.  Many enzyme building processes depend on the potassium supply as well.  98% of the potassium is located inside the cells; it is the fourth frequent element in the body.  Sodium, together with its antagonist potassium, controls the water balance and osmotic pressure in the body.  Sodium is one of the main factors for the retention of the acid base balance and a central factor in nerve stimulus transference and muscular relaxation.  Sodium is essential for glucose resorption and the transport of nutrients. Deficiency occurs because of: diarrhea and vomiting, heavy sweating, most forms of cancer, inflammations in the stomach and intestines, burns and pollution with heavy metals. Deficiency occurs because of: a one-track diet, excessive alcohol and salt consumption, burns, laxatives and diuretics, as well as diarrhea and vomiting.

11  Zinc protects the cells from diseases which are caused by free radicals.  It has been proved that zinc is a part of over 200 enzymes; also the structure of the DNA depends on zinc.  Additionally it acts protectively against pollution with heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, nickel, mercury etc. These heavy metals not only displace zinc from its enzyme positions but also trigger cell damaging radical reactions.  Zinc benefits the healing of wounds and speeds up the formation of skin after burns.  Zinc is extremely important for the metabolism of the sexual hormones, the hormones produced by the thyroid gland, the growth hormones, insulin and prostagladines.  Zinc is important for the control of the immune response. Deficiency occurs because of: pregnancy and breast feeding; sports; kidney and liver conditions; infections; alcohol abuse; anemia; destructions of tissue (burn, OP); increased supply of calcium, phosphor, phytate; chronic pollution by heavy metals; decreased pancreatic function; inflammatory diseases of the intestines (Morbus Crohn, Colitis ulcerosa).

12  Copper is responsible for the interweaving of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the structure and elasticity of bones, ligaments, cartilages, connective tissues and blood vessels.  Copper helps to build up the myelin layer, which protectively sheathes the nerve fibers.  Without copper the production of melanin is not possible. Melanin is a pigment, which can be found in the skin and hair.  Because manganese cannot be stored in our body, the trace element has to be supplied daily. Manganese cooperates closely with the mineral calcium.  Manganese supports the liver in breaking down environmental poisons before they do harm in the body.  Manganese supports the metabolism of carbohydrates and activates those hormones, which are responsible for sexuality and lactation. Deficiency occurs because of: a one-track diet, resorption malfunctions because of aging, steroid therapies, malfunction of the kidneys, high level of homocystein (leads to arteriosclerosis) Deficiency occurs because of: consumption of alcohol, long term therapy with psychopharmacological drugs, one-sided supply of calcium, inherent enzyme deficiencies, supply deficiency (most foods lack manganese), toxic substances and heavy metals.

13  Vitamin C is the most important water soluble antioxidant in our body.  The first important step during the breakdown of cholesterol depends on vitamin C.  Vitamin C stimulates the enzyme system of the liver, which detoxifies the blood and eliminates drugs as well as environmental poisons and heavy metals.  The production of many hormones depends on an adequate vitamin C status.  Niacin is essential for the function of over 200 enzymes.  Niacin plays an important role in the maintenance of the health of the skin, muscular tissue, nervous- and digestive system.  Niacin is essential for the production of proteins for the formation and reparation of the DNA.  Niacin controls cholesterol and blood sugar. Deficiency occurs because of: smoking; pregnancy and breast feeding; growing; chronic diseases; stress; regular intake of drugs (the pill, antibiotics, aspirin Deficiency occurs because of: deficiency in supply, drugs, deficiency of B6 and B2, consumption of alcohol, fever, cancer, serious injuries and burns.

14  Pyridoxine plays a role in the formation of new amino acids and proteins as well as neurotransmitters. (Serotonin, dopamine)  Pyridoxine is necessary for the transformation of protein- carbohydrate stores into glucose; thereby controlling the blood sugar level between meals.  Pyridoxine is essential for the formation of hemoglobin and the transport of oxygen by the red blood cells.  Cobalamine is necessary for the production of myelin, the protective layer for many peripheral nerve cords, the spinal cord and brain.  Cobalamine is also necessary during the production of DNA; cell cleavage and cell reproduction depends on cobalamine.  Cobalamine is necessary to transfer folic acid into its active form. Deficiency occurs because of: A diet rich in protein, chronic diseases (diabetes, arthritis), old age, smoking, alcohol, consumption of coffee, vitamin B deficiency, growth spurts, pregnancy, breast feeding, problems with digestion. Deficiency occurs because of: Chronic diseases of the digestive tract; cell deficiencies of the digestive organs; diseases of the liver; alcohol abuse, smoking and heavy consumption of coffee.

15 Liquid Wellness Ltd Fürstenallee 25 5020 Salzburg Austria, Europe General Manager : Manfred Dietrichsteiner, Tel: +43-662- 65 05 64 -13 Fax: +43-662-65 05 63 -14 Email: Innovation & Marketing: Christof Dietrichsteiner, Tel: +43-662-65 05 64 -18 Email:

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