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In the right place? This is Rutgers-Newark The course is Multimedia Journalism My name is Prof. Brian Horton Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism Be.

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Presentation on theme: "In the right place? This is Rutgers-Newark The course is Multimedia Journalism My name is Prof. Brian Horton Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism Be."— Presentation transcript:

1 In the right place? This is Rutgers-Newark The course is Multimedia Journalism My name is Prof. Brian Horton Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism Be sure to sign in for each class

2 About me Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism I retired in 2009 after 38 years with The Associated Press (AP), where I covered news and sports in 37 states and 16 foreign countries. I’ve written a couple of books and done some other stuff we’ll talk about. This is my third year teaching at the college level.

3 Why we are here This course will study Multimedia Journalism with an emphasis on using new techniques to tell stories by utilizing time-proven skills Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

4 We’ll learn how to: create a blog and add written content as well as video, photos and audio gather digital audio and upload it to a computer do effective audio interviews edit digital audio and produce an MP3 file shoot and edit photographs for online use create audio slideshows shoot story-telling video Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

5 How we will learn it We’ll have class lectures and hands-on sessions We’ll have guest lecturers We’ll have discussions We’ll have a class blog, as well as personal blogs for each student Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

6 How we will learn it There is no single text which covers the broad range of topics we’ll cover. Instead, we’ll depend on web-based resources and brief handouts for background Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

7 What you’ll need Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism a digital still camera - minimum of 6 megapixels resolution a digital audio recorder – needs to allow transfer of files to a Mac or PC; best if it has both mic and headphone jacks headphones – over-the-ear are best OPTIONAL: a digital video camera – must produce at least a 640x480 file. There are some loaners available here.

8 Creating a blog You’ll be using your individual blogs to showcase your projects and to post items expanding on your chosen topic The blogs will be created on the site and can be accessed from anywhere Thursday, we’ll create your blogs Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

9 Grading Criteria The three areas that make up your overall grade include: 1) format-specific projects (audio, still photography, video and blogging) 2) class participation 3) your final semester project. The three components total 1,000 points. Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

10 Grading Criteria Eight format-specific assignments - 400 points total Each project will center on a key format (the blog you create, your photos, audio and video) as we learn their use. Each project will be worth 50 points. The preliminary projects will include creating a blog, producing audio pieces, shooting still photo assignments and shooting a one-minute video. These will be graded on how well they fulfill the assignment and for creativity and technical skill. There are 350 points in this component. In addition, you will be graded on your 12 weekly blog postings and how well your blog tells an overall story as the semester progresses. There are 50 points in this component Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

11 Grading Criteria Class participation - 200 points Grading will take into account timely attendance and contributions to the discussion. You must enter at least two comments a week on the overall class blog and your attendance also will be factored in. Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

12 Grading Criteria Semester project - 400 points You pick the topic. The project should draw on your journalistic skills and will be graded on your use of the components learned (audio, still photos, video) and how you combine them to tell a story. You pick the format: audio slide show (max 18 photos and 1:30 audio) video (max 2 min) Posted to your blog with a 150-200 word copy block that adds detail and depth to your multimedia project. Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

13 Attendance You are required to attend class Tardiness (No) Makeup policy You will be penalized after your fourth absence After your fourth late arrival, you will be penalized There will be no makeup assignments for missed sessions or projects turned in late.You will need to get notes on missed lectures from a classmate. Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

14 Life in the classroom No cellphones, mp3 players, etc. Discussion participation is important Academic honesty You may take notes on a laptop but no external communications while class is in session I want everyone to take part in the discussion, and disagreements will happen, but civility is expected Plagiarism will not be tolerated. You must credit your sources if you don’t create it yourself. Projects will be checked for originality. Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

15 The site Our classroom discussion will be followed up with entries on the class blog, part of a website devoted to multimedia journalism. I’ll post comments and you will be expected to post remarks and point out links to stories, photos and sites that further our discussion. The site will also have the class schedule and will be used to communicate schedule changes and important news about the class. Check the blog often for the latest news. Our classroom discussion will be followed up with entries on the class blog, part of a website devoted to multimedia journalism. I’ll post comments and you will be expected to post remarks and point out links to stories, photos and sites that further our discussion. The site will also have the class schedule and will be used to communicate schedule changes and important news about the class. Check the blog often for the latest news. http://brianhorton.info Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

16 The blog Each blog entry is time and date-stamped and has a headline. In the body of the entry, there will often times be a link to an article, photograph or document on the Web (links are in red). There is also a link to the comments area, lower right, so you can add your views or related links to the discussion. The blog tracks entries by topic, upper right, and archives them, too. Each blog entry is time and date-stamped and has a headline. In the body of the entry, there will often times be a link to an article, photograph or document on the Web (links are in red). There is also a link to the comments area, lower right, so you can add your views or related links to the discussion. The blog tracks entries by topic, upper right, and archives them, too. Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

17 The blog When you double-click on the entry’s headline on the blog front, it will open the story up and provide a comment area. In the comment box, you can write your response to the entry or share a link with classmates regarding the entry. This is the central discussion point for the blog and your comments will shape the conversation. When you double-click on the entry’s headline on the blog front, it will open the story up and provide a comment area. In the comment box, you can write your response to the entry or share a link with classmates regarding the entry. This is the central discussion point for the blog and your comments will shape the conversation. Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

18 The blog After your entry in the comments box, add your name so we know where the the entry came from. From the “comment as” drop-down menu at the bottom, you can select “name/URL” or “anonymous” setting since your name will be in the comment box itself. When you are done, click “post comment” and your comment will become part of the blog in a couple of minutes. After your entry in the comments box, add your name so we know where the the entry came from. From the “comment as” drop-down menu at the bottom, you can select “name/URL” or “anonymous” setting since your name will be in the comment box itself. When you are done, click “post comment” and your comment will become part of the blog in a couple of minutes. Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

19 This and that Email Office hours Emergency class cancellation Mailbox – Bradley Hall 213 My account is the main account for college Office hours are by appointment only I’ll post a note on the website and send out an e-mail blast Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

20 Classroom honesty Honesty in your academic pursuits is one of the most important items you will learn while in college. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and penalties may include failing the course and suspension from the school. The rule is simple: if it isn’t your thought, if you didn’t create it yourself, you must credit the source and acknowledge that it is not your work. In the same vein, use of copyrighted material is not allowed unless you have secured the necessary clearances. You must have the rights to any material you use in your projects. Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

21 Upcoming Thursday, we’ll start on building your WordPress blog sites. Start thinking of a topic you want to cover and a name for your blog. Next Tuesday, we’ll refine the sites and discuss the topics you have chosen. Bring an image you like if you want to incorporate it in your blog’s header. You must have a theme for your site and a topic Tuesday. Send me a brief – 2-3 paragraph – outline of your topic by 6 p.m. Monday Next Thursday, we’ll look at ways to add multimedia to your sites as the semester progresses – still photos, YouTube, Vimeo, SlideShare Prof. Brian Horton Multimedia Journalism

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