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CS105 Lab 1 – Introduction Section: ??? TA: ??? Email: ??? Announcements CITES Accounts Compass Netfiles Other Administrative Information CS105 Fall 20091.

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Presentation on theme: "CS105 Lab 1 – Introduction Section: ??? TA: ??? Email: ??? Announcements CITES Accounts Compass Netfiles Other Administrative Information CS105 Fall 20091."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS105 Lab 1 – Introduction Section: ??? TA: ??? Email: ??? Announcements CITES Accounts Compass Netfiles Other Administrative Information CS105 Fall 20091

2 Announcements Read the syllabus for more details about the distribution of points, grade information, etc. Professor and TA office hours are at: You may go to any TA’s office hours My office hours are ??? at DCL 1262. Check the course website several times a week for announcements. Wohlers Hall lab hours are posted outside the door. Please check them before you leave. CS105 Fall 20092

3 CITES Accounts For CS105 you will use 4 CITES accounts: – NetID (or Kerberos)- the most important, this account lets you administer all your other accounts. – Active Directory (AD) – access to NetFiles and Compass – CITES Express Email – your campus email. – CITES ICS (Instructional Computer Sites) – access to this and other CITES labs. Changing your password for one may not affect the others! You can make all passwords the same (just don’t tell CITES I told you). CS105 Fall 20093

4 Logging in to ICS Computers The lab computers use your CITES ICS (Instructional Computing Sites) password. If you do not know your ICS password, try your NetID password or your email password and make sure “Workstation Only” is not checked. If you cannot log in, please raise your hand and your TA will log you in. Once logged in: – Open an internet browser and go to this web address: – Click “Login with your NetID…”, then log in with your NetID password. You need to set the password for “Campus Active Directory (AD) password” and “CITES Instructional Computing Sites” (see screenshot on the next slide) – Enter your new password and then click “Set Passwords” – Do not attempt to re-login as yourself. Your new password may take 30 minutes to register. Try again at the end of lecture and ask for assistance if it still does not work. CS105 Fall 20094

5 Setting AD and ICS password CS105 Fall 20095

6 Machine Problems = Your Homework There will be three MPs this semester. They will be submitted online. You can resubmit it before the due date/time. Keep a backup copy of your MP on NetFiles only if it is password protected! You may work in groups of up to 3 students. Only ONE person in each group should submit MP. If you need help finding partners email I-Hong ( and he will help you. CS105 Fall 20096

7 Compass Compass lets you check your grade for this class online. Check your grade after every MP and exam. Notify your TA right away if there is a problem. You have 2 weeks from the day grades are posted to challenge the grades. Do not wait until the end of the semester! CS105 Fall 20097

8 Submitting MPs with Compass Compass is also the tool we use to submit MPs. You should become comfortable with: –Attaching and removing files from assignments –Submitting and un-submitting assignments A Practice MP is available in Compass for you to practice these actions. CS105 Fall 20098

9 Practice Compass Login to Compass – Select course : CS105 Click “Practice MP” on the left panel Use “Add Attachments” functionality. Write some comments Submit MP Double-check your MP is submitted. CS105 Fall 20099

10 NetFiles A secure, convenient way for students and staffs to store homework, notes and other important documents. – –Quota : 500MB You should become comfortable with uploading files to NetFiles and setting file and directory permissions. You should always back up your MP submissions to NetFiles AND you must protect the files!!!! If you have trouble outside of lab hours contact CITES. Their office is on the first floor of DCL. CS105 Fall 200910

11 Practice using Netfiles (detailed instructions on following slides) Sign up for Netfiles – Logging into Netfiles Create a directory called “cs105” Open the directory Create a text file called “cs105.txt” on your Desktop Upload it onto Netfiles View it on the web CS105 Fall 200911

12 Signing Up for NetFiles CITES NetFiles is a service that allows you to access your files from anywhere in the world. NetFiles can also be used to publish your own web pages. To sign up for NetFiles go to: You will be prompted to log-in with your NetID password. After entering your password, you should see a confirmation that you have signed up. CS105 Fall 200912

13 Logging into NetFiles To log into NetFiles go to: NetFiles uses Active Directory for your password, so you may need to set that. See slide 4,5 above for how to set passwords CS105 Fall 200913

14 Your NetFiles Home Directory CS105 Fall 200914 Similar to Windows’ details view Double click to open folder Right click to open popup menu

15 Creating a directory in NetFiles Click on “New Folder” Type in “cs105”, then “Finish” You’ll see the list of directory, and you’re ready to upload cs105 files to “cs105” directory CS105 Fall 200915

16 Uploading Files to NetFiles Assuming you have a file called “cs105.txt” on your Desktop – You can create one if you don’t have Double click on “cs105” on Netfiles to open the directory Click on the Upload button You’ll see a screen as on the right Click “Browse” to select the file you want to upload – You can select more files by “Add File” button Click “Start Upload”. CS105 Fall 200916

17 Viewing the uploaded File After uploading the file, you should see your “cs105.txt” file in Netfiles. Make sure “Shared To” column says “None” You can download the file by a double-click on the file, or view it on you browser by a right click and select “Open in Browser” from the menu CS105 Fall 200917

18 Hands-on Email Practice Email is the best way of reaching your TA and the professors. Save copies of important messages! You can go to the lab/office hour of any TA but you can send email to only the TA for the lab you ATTEND. Emailing multiple TAs will be penalized. A helpful email MUST include: – Descriptive subject line – Signature with full name, NetID, and lab section number – If you are working in a group, include the names, NetID’s, and sections numbers of all members – Clear description of your question or problem Send a brief hello message to your TA. CS105 Fall 200918

19 Sample Email Message Subject: CS105 – Gradebook problems From: jdoe To: Mystery CS105 TA, My grade for MP4 was entered into Gradebook incorrectly. Can you help me? I will bring the graded MP to our next lab section. Jane Doe Section: AYE CS105 Fall 200919

20 Summary How to manage your CITES account/passwords and use them to login to computer lab, Netfiles and Compass. Submit MP on Compass. Upload and View files in Netfiles Contact your TA by email (make good use of him/her for your learning process). CS105 Fall 200920

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