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The Library at Troy An Introduction For the Lally School and the Economics Department Fall 2008.

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1 The Library at Troy An Introduction For the Lally School and the Economics Department Fall 2008

2 Your Subject Librarian in Troy Colette Holmes E-Mail: Voice Mail: 518-276-8331 Office: Main Floor, Folsom Library In library: Mon - Fri, 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM Also available by appointment.

3 Rensselaer Libraries Troy, NY Campus - Folsom LibraryFolsom Library - Architecture LibraryArchitecture Library Hartford, CT Campus - Cole LibraryCole Library

4 RensSearch Home Page

5 Library home page for Troy campus. Portal to library collections and services at Troy. Avaialble on- and off-campus. Access RensSearch.RensSearch

6 Libraries’ Online Catalog Location information for books, journals, government documents, videos, microforms, and other materials. Includes links for electronic materials. Access the library catalog.library catalog

7 Licensed Databases & Services Many RPI faculty, students, and staff use outside Internet Service Providers (ISPs) such as RoadRunner. Licensed databases and services require user authentication for outside ISP access.

8 Library Passwords Available to current RPI faculty, students, and staff. Required for access to licensed library materials via an outside ISP. Service specific. Learn more about library passwords.library passwords

9 Business & Economics Databases Both licensed and public domain. Variety of information:  Trade publications & newspapers.  Scholarly journals.  Market & industry reports.  Company background & financials.

10 Business & Economic Databases Variety of information (continued):  Statistical sources.  Country information. Access Business & Economics Databases.Business & Economics Databases

11 SFX – Find the Full Text Hundreds of article databases. Full text may not be in database that you’re searching. SFX will direct you to other databases or services such as interlibrary loan. Look for:

12 A to Z Electronic Journals List Lists links to all of our electronic journals. Lacks print journal information. Searchable database. Access A to Z E-Journals List.A to Z E-Journals List

13 Subject Research Guides Web pages for topics such as industry and company information. Includes call numbers for library items in print, as well as links to web resources. Access Subject Guides.Subject Guides

14 If the Library Doesn’t Own an Item ConnectNY - Mostly books within 2 - 4 business days.ConnectNY ILLIAD (Interlibrary Loan) - Various materials within 6 - 8 calendar days.ILLIAD (Interlibrary Loan)

15 Course Web Pages Librarian and professor collaboration. Include licensed and public domain web sources; Call numbers for print materials. Access course web pages  Lally SchoolLally School  Economics DepartmentEconomics Department

16 Class Reserves Instructors place materials on library class reserves. Some materials password restricted. Independent service apart from WebCT. Access Class Reserves.Class Reserves

17 Help Guides Mostly topic specific such as searching trade literature or industry reports. A few resource or database specific guides are provided. Access help guides

18 Important Library URLs View a list of important library RensSearch links for management, business, and economics students.important library RensSearch links

19 Your Library in Troy Colette Holmes E-Mail: Office: Main Floor, Folsom Library Voice Mail: 518-276-8331 In library: Mon - Fri, 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM Also available by appointment.

20 An Introduction to the Library at Troy For the Lally School and the Economics Department Fall 2008 THE END

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