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G RADUATE E LECTIVE U PDATE Mark Earnest, MD, PhD University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "G RADUATE E LECTIVE U PDATE Mark Earnest, MD, PhD University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 G RADUATE E LECTIVE U PDATE Mark Earnest, MD, PhD University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine

2 LEADS G RADUATE E LECTIVE Course director: Rita Lee, MD One month rotation for residents For 2 years, have also included JFK- LEND fellows (advocates for special needs children) Last session was October 2009 Next session scheduled for May 2011

3 C URRICULUM Overview of US healthcare system Social determinants of health Legislative advocacy Coalition building Community Organizing Working with the media –Opinion Editorials –Messaging/TV

4 P ROGRAM GROWTH Past Departments participating: Medicine, Pediatrics, Family Medicine, LEND So far for this year: Medicine (3), Pediatrics (3), Psychiatry (3), LEND fellows (5)

5 C HALLENGES Scheduling –Despite our best efforts, interested residents don’t find out until after their schedules are set “Non-clinical” time and the ACGME Other opportunities for longitudinal captive audiences already have established curricula filling the time Evaluation

6 O PPORTUNITIES Medicine moving to block scheduling –Frees more residents up for longitudinal curricula over two years Common GME needs across departments

7 U NIQUE F EATURES Curriculum paired with Underserved clinical experience INSIGHHT Personal Plan for Leadership and Advocacy (PPLA)

8 INSIGHHT F ORM Inspired by I-HELP form from Medical Legal Partnership Goal: –Provide structure to their approach as advocates to patients in clinical settings –Provide link between advocacy curriculum and their clinical experiences Participants will fill the form out for one patient during each clinic session and will bring it back to the group to discuss

9 INSIGHHT F ORM Income supports Networks Safety/environment Immigration status Grade (educational attainment and literacy) Housing and utilities Health literacy/language Transportation



12 PPLA To solidify leadership and advocacy plans Advocacy Passion Leadership Goals Short-/Long-term goals Personal Vision Statement

13 LEADS Graduate Level Elective Personal Plan for Leadership and Advocacy Name: Training Program: Planned Career: Advocacy Passion (be as specific as possible): Leadership Goals (Areas that You Want to Improve): 1. 2. 3. Short-Term Career/Work-related Goals (1-5 years): 1. 2. 3. Long-Term Career/Work-related Goals (5+ years): 1. 2. 3. Personal Vision Statement—your personal vision statement guides your life. Your personal vision statement provides the direction necessary to guide the course of your days and the choices you make about your career. Write Your Personal Vision Statement:

14 E VALUATION T OOLS ? MSATU –Medical Students’ Attitudes Toward the Underserved Validated instrument developed by SJ Crandall Need to develop “Intention to Advocate” measure Crandall SJS, Volk RJ, Loemker V. Medical students' attitudes toward providing care for the underserved: Are we training socially responsible physicians? JAMA. 1993;269:2519-2523.

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