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First Conditional or Real Conditional 1.If + present simple + modals.

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Presentation on theme: "First Conditional or Real Conditional 1.If + present simple + modals."— Presentation transcript:


2 First Conditional

3 or Real Conditional

4 1.If + present simple + modals

5 1.This type of sentence describes possibilities, abilities and permissions.

6 Examples

7 If it stops snowing, we can go out!

8 You can smoke

9 ..if you want to be like this

10 Main clause:You can smoke if-clause: If you want to be like this note: Either the if-clause or the main clause can come first in a conditional sentence

11 You can smoke, if you want to be like this or If you want to be like this, you can smoke

12 If you don’t want to have an accident, you must drive carefully

13 2. If + present simple + future simple It describes what someone thinks will happen in a real situation. You believe that the things you are talking about will happen.

14 examples

15 If I have no homework, I will go to play football.

16 If you graduate successfully from your school,

17 ….I will buy you a new computer.

18 If I go with you to the party tonight,

19 …I will be very happy.

20 If you win the race,

21 … will get the car.

22 If I have an opportunity, I will travel all around the world.

23 If you tell me the number, I will write it down.

24 If the telephone rings, I will answer it.

25 exercises

26 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses

27 Jane …….. (get) fat if she …… (eat) a lot of chocolate.

28 If the fog ……..(get) thicker, they ……(close) the airport

29 We …… (not go) to the park if it……(rain).

30 You …..(catch) a cold if you …..(play) outside.

31 You …..(ride) my bicycle if you ……(like).

32 If he ……(miss) the bus, he ….. (not arrive) at school on time.

33 If I …..(study) harder, I ….. (pass) my exam.

34 If we …..(walk) so slowly, we….. (be) late.

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