P UERTO RICO SEISMIC NETWORK Tsunami protocol for PR/VI - Caribbean and The PR Broadcast System Dr. Victor A. Huérfano CARIBBEAN DISASTER EMERGENCY RESPONSE.

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Presentation on theme: "P UERTO RICO SEISMIC NETWORK Tsunami protocol for PR/VI - Caribbean and The PR Broadcast System Dr. Victor A. Huérfano CARIBBEAN DISASTER EMERGENCY RESPONSE."— Presentation transcript:

1 P UERTO RICO SEISMIC NETWORK Tsunami protocol for PR/VI - Caribbean and The PR Broadcast System Dr. Victor A. Huérfano CARIBBEAN DISASTER EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY 1 Meeting of the join Project Coordinator Committee ERCB, IDRC/ICT and TCHWS 27/01/2009 Barbados st

2 The mission of the Puerto Rico Seismic Network (PRSN) is to rapidly determine the location and size of all earthquakes and tsunamis in the Area of Responsibility (AOR) and to immediately disseminate this information to concerned agencies, scientists, and the general public. PRSN compiles and maintains an extensive seismic database on earthquake parameters, continuous waveforms (earthquakes and sea level) and their effects which serve as a solid foundation for basic and applied earth science/oceanography research in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. The Puerto Rico Seismic Network mission

3 TSUNAMI WARNING CENTERS MESSAGE SUITE (2008) Warning Inundating wave possible Full evacuation suggested Watch Danger level not yet known Stay alert for more info Advisory Strong currents likely Stay away from the shore Information Minor waves at most No action suggested Warnings and advisories suggest that action must be taken Advisories can be upgraded to a warning or canceled Warning can be downgraded to an advisory or canceled

4 Tsunami Warning A tsunami warning is issued when a potential tsunami with significant widespread inundation is imminent or expected. Warnings alert the public that widespread, dangerous coastal flooding accompanied by powerful currents is possible and may continue for several hours after arrival of the initial wave. Warnings also alert emergency management officials to take action for the entire tsunami hazard zone. Appropriate actions to be taken by local officials may include the evacuation of low-lying coastal areas, and the repositioning of ships to deep waters when there is time to safely do so. Warnings may be updated, adjusted geographically, downgraded, or canceled. To provide the earliest possible alert, initial warnings are normally based only on seismic information.

5 Tsunami Watch A tsunami watch is issued to alert emergency management officials and the public of an event which may later impact the watch area. The watch area may be upgraded to a warning or advisory - or canceled - based on updated information and analysis. Therefore, emergency management officials and the public should prepare to take action. Watches are normally issued based on seismic information without confirmation that a destructive tsunami is underway.

6 Tsunami Advisory A tsunami advisory is issued due to the threat of a potential tsunami which may produce strong currents or waves dangerous to those in or near the water. Coastal regions historically prone to damage due to strong currents induced by tsunamis are at the greatest risk. The threat may continue for several hours after the arrival of the initial wave, but significant widespread inundation is not expected for areas under an advisory. Appropriate actions to be taken by local officials may include closing beaches, evacuating harbors and marinas, and the repositioning of ships to deep waters when there is time to safely do so. Advisories are normally updated to continue the advisory, expand/contract affected areas, upgrade to a warning, or cancel the advisory.

7 Tsunami Information Statement A tsunami information statement is issued to inform emergency management officials and the public that an earthquake has occurred, or that a tsunami warning, watch or advisory has been issued for another section of the ocean. In most cases, information statements are issued to indicate there is no threat of a destructive tsunami and to prevent unnecessary evacuations as the earthquake may have been felt in coastal areas. An information statement may, in appropriate situations, caution about the possibility of destructive local tsunamis. Information statements may be re-issued with additional information, though normally these messages are not updated. However, a watch, advisory or warning may be issued for the area, if necessary, after analysis and/or updated information becomes available.

8 TSUNAMI WARNING CENTERS MESSAGE SUITE (2008) Warning Inundating wave possible Full evacuation suggested Issued when forecasted or observed amplitude is over 1.0 m or procedures call for an immediate warning based on earthquake parameters Watch Danger level not yet known Stay alert for more info Issued to provide an early alert for areas that are distant from the wave front, but may have danger Advisory Strong currents likely Stay away from the shore When forecasted amplitudes are in the range 0.3 - 1.0 m, or observed amplitudes are in the range of 0.4 - 1.0 m. When inundating waves have lessened and are dangerous in or near water fronts only When procedures call for an immediate advisory based on earthquake parameters Information Minor waves at most No action suggested Warnings and advisories suggest that action must be taken Advisories can be upgraded to a warning or canceled Warning can be downgraded to an advisory or canceled

9 Tsunami Warning Center - TWC area-of-responsibilities.

10 Tsunami Warning Center - TWC area-of-responsibilities. Puerto Rico Seismic Network





15 Tsunamis in the Atlantic

16 Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Caribbean


18 1564 1787 1670 1943 2007 1974 1843 1946 1770 1918 1867 1969

19 LOCAL Earthquake 4.5 ≤ M ≤ 6.5 Tsunami Information Statement PRSN NEICPTWC WC/ATWC PR-SEMA NWS BVI-ODP VITEMA Regional Networks yes Tsunami Protocol for PR/VI no

20 LOCAL Earthquake 4.5 ≤ M ≤ 6.5 PRSN NEICPTWC WC/ATWC PR-SEMA NWS BVI-ODP VITEMA Regional Networks yes no LOCAL Earthquake M ≥ 6.5 H ≤ 100km Or M ≥ 7.9 Or I ≥ VII MM Or TI ≥ V yes Tsunami Warning Message no Tsunami Protocol for PR/VI

21 LOCAL Earthquake 4.5 ≤ M ≤ 6.5 PRSN NEICPTWC WC/ATWC PR-SEMA NWS BVI-ODP VITEMA Regional Networks yes no LOCAL Earthquake M ≥ 6.5 H ≤ 100km Or M ≥ 7.9 yes no REGIONAL Earthquake 6.0 ≤ M ≤ 7.5 Or M ≥ 7.6 and H ≥ 100 or inland yes Tsunami Information Statement Tsunami Protocol for PR/VI no

22 LOCAL Earthquake 4.5 ≤ M ≤ 6.5 PRSN NEICPTWC WC/ATWC PR-SEMA NWS BVI-ODP VITEMA Regional Networks yes no LOCAL Earthquake M ≥ 6.5 H ≤ 100km Or M ≥ 7.9 yes no REGIONAL Western Earthquake 7.6 ≤ M ≤ 7.8 yes Tsunami Information Statement Tsunami Protocol for PR/VI no

23 LOCAL Earthquake 4.5 ≤ M ≤ 6.5 PRSN NEICPTWC WC/ATWC PR-SEMA NWS BVI-ODP VITEMA Regional Networks yes no LOCAL Earthquake M ≥ 6.5 H ≤ 100km Or M ≥ 7.9 yes no REGIONAL Eastern Earthquake 7.6 ≤ M ≤ 7.8 Western Earthquake M ≥ 7.9 and H ≤ 100 km yes Tsunami Advisory Message Tsunami Protocol for PR/VI no

24 LOCAL Earthquake 4.5 ≤ M ≤ 6.5 PRSN NEICPTWC WC/ATWC PR-SEMA NWS BVI-ODP VITEMA Regional Networks yes no LOCAL Earthquake M ≥ 6.5 H ≤ 100km Or M ≥ 7.9 yes no REGIONAL Eastern Earthquake M ≥ 7.9 and H ≤ 100 km yes Tsunami Warning Message Tsunami Protocol for PR/VI no

25 LOCAL Earthquake PRSN NEICPTWC WC/ATWC PR-SEMA NWS BVI-ODP VITEMA Regional Networks yes no REGIONAL Earthquake yes no Teleseismic Earthquake Mag ≥ 7.9 yes Tsunami Protocol for PR/VI no Observed or Forecasted wave heights yes no Tsunami Information Statement Tsunami Advisory Message PR-SEMA NWS BVI-ODP VITEMA

26 LOCAL Earthquake PRSN NEICPTWC WC/ATWC Regional Networks yes no REGIONAL Earthquake yes no Teleseismic Earthquake Mag ≥ 7.9 yes Tsunami Protocol for PR/VI no No action

27 Tsunami Protocol for Caribbean PTWC Messages

28 Tsunami Warning Dissemination (24/7) 1.Internet  Email service list  Dedicated client programs  Web pages (TWC, NEIC, PRSN, ITIC..)  Text messages 2. Emergency Alert System (EAS) 3. Reverse 911 4. NOAA Weather Radio 5. Sirens 6. VSAT satellite 7. EMWIN GOES link Other systems unique to area

29 Dedicated Internet Client programs


31 Tsunami Ready Program “Grass roots” program that promotes tsunami hazard readiness. Collaborative effort between government, academia and the public. Improve public safety during tsunami emergencies. Prepares communities for tsunami hazard. Create minimum standard community guidelines for adequate tsunami readiness. Increase public awareness and understanding of tsunami hazard. Improve community pre-planning for tsunami disasters. Encourage consistency in educational materials and response. Recognize communities that have adopted Tsunami Ready guidelines Working Together to Save Lives


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