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Fire Ground Survival Emergency SCBA Operations & Mayday Procedures

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Presentation on theme: "Fire Ground Survival Emergency SCBA Operations & Mayday Procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fire Ground Survival Emergency SCBA Operations & Mayday Procedures

2 The major causes of firefighter fatalities inside structure fires are:
Lost inside the structure Structural collapse Fire progress (including back draft and flashover) Most fatalities are due to running out of air (smoke inhalation)

3 Are we prepared if we are lost, trapped, or separated from our crew?
Practical Drills Mayday Procedures/Fire Ground Survival SCBA Emergency Operations Firefighter Rescue

4 NIOSH Recommendations Mayday Procedure
Transmit a distress signal Activate PASS device Conserve air Stay calm and avoid unnecessary physical activity Determine potential escape routes Stay in radio contact Flashlight toward the ceiling Make tapping noises with a tool on the floor or wall

5 “GRAB LIVES” Procedure
G – Gauge (check air) R – Radio (mayday) A – Activate (pass) B – Breathing (control) L – Low (stay low) I – Illuminate (flashlight) V – Volume (make noise) E – Exit (find an exit) S – Shield Airway (hood or glove)

6 Radio “Mayday” Use communications model to get IC’s attention
Radio “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, Command from Engine 1” IC will clear the air for emergency traffic for the Mayday

7 Radio “Mayday” Radio your Name, Unit #, and your PLAN P – Problem
L – Location A – Air N – Needs “This is Firefighter Jones from Engine 1. I’m separated from my crew. I’m in a closet in the basement. My air is1500. I need a crew to lead me out.”

8 Mayday Procedures IC will activate the RIT/RIC to location
IC will also notify interior crews to search for the missing FF or crew IC will instruct the missing FF or crew to activate PASS, turn on flashlight, and make noise

9 EMER Button Only use the EMER Button if you cannot verbally report a Mayday EMER activation will be treated as a Mayday Takes the user to an EMER talk group Comm. Center notifies IC and attempts to contact the user

10 5 Reasons to Call a Firefighter Emergency/MAYDAY
Separated from Crew or “Lost” SCBA Malfunction or Low Air Injured or Disabled Trapped, Pinned, or Entangled in Debris Any life threatening condition that cannot be resolved in 30 seconds

11 Rule of Air Management (ROAM)
Know how much air you have in your SCBA Manage your air so that you leave the hazardous environment BEFORE your low air alarm activates Report “Team Air” with your CANA radio reports

12 Practical Skills Mayday Procedures/Fire Ground Survival
Emergency SCBA Operations Firefighter Rescue See you there!

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