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Authors: Barbora Žáčková Lucie Hatlapatková. Ingredients pasta 12 pieces of lasagne Cheese sauce 50g of butter 50g of plain flour 600 ml of milk 125g.

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Presentation on theme: "Authors: Barbora Žáčková Lucie Hatlapatková. Ingredients pasta 12 pieces of lasagne Cheese sauce 50g of butter 50g of plain flour 600 ml of milk 125g."— Presentation transcript:

1 Authors: Barbora Žáčková Lucie Hatlapatková

2 Ingredients pasta 12 pieces of lasagne Cheese sauce 50g of butter 50g of plain flour 600 ml of milk 125g of Cheddar cheese half teaspoon of nutmeg

3 Bolognese sauce 1 tablespoon of olive oil 1 onion 1 clove of garlic 500 g of minced beef 250 g of tomatoes 2 tablespoons of tomato paste 4 tablespoons of red wine 1 tablespoon of basil salt pepper

4  First we cut up onions and garlic, then we fried them in a pan with oil. Then we added the other ingredients: minced meat, canned whole tomatoes, tomato paste and herbs for taste.


6  We dissolved butter and two tablespoons of olive oil. Then we grated nutmeg and added it to the butter with three tablespoons of flour. We gradually poured some milk and stirred properly.


8  To prepare lasagne, we took a baking pan and coated it with butter. First we put in the slices of lasagne and then we added the meat mixture, cheese and bechamel. Then we did the same with the second layer.We put the whole pan in the oven and waited about an hour till the lasagne were done.



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