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Elimination of Waste Your Workplace - You are the expert - You know what your work site needs What is 5S? 5S.

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Presentation on theme: "Elimination of Waste Your Workplace - You are the expert - You know what your work site needs What is 5S? 5S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elimination of Waste Your Workplace - You are the expert - You know what your work site needs What is 5S? 5S

2 5S Process Purpose 1. To learn how to identify and eliminate waste 2. To improve your work environment - Safety - People - Quality - Responsiveness - Cost

3 The Process: 5 Steps Clear by red tagging Sort Clean it Sweep Standardize Establish Standards Sustain Discipline ( Practice ) Eliminate Waste Straighten Get Organized Workplace Organization thru Visual Controls How? Your Workplace - You are the expert - You know what your work site needs

4 Visual Workplace: The 5 S's Straighten Sweep Standardize Sustain Eliminate Waste Sort

5 The 5 S’s: Visual Workplace 1. Sort – Sort through items, keep only what is needed while disposing of what is not. 2.Straighten (orderliness) – “A place for everything and everything in its place.” 3.Shine (cleanliness) – The cleaning process often acts as a form of inspection that exposes abnormal conditions. 4.Standardize – Develop systems and procedures to maintain and monitor the first three S’s. 5.Sustain (self-discipline) – Maintaining a stabilized workplace in an ongoing process of continuous improvement.

6 5S Working Flow Discuss Red Tag Standards Complete Red Tagging Process Tour / Improvement Review Straighten & Sweep (Waste Elimination) Tour / Improvement Review Set Standards & Make Visual Develop PMP Checks & Assignments Tour / Improvement Review Establish Continuous Improvement Board / Wall Assign Remaining Open Items Summarize / Wrap-up Set Standards Standardize Sustain Sweep Straighten Sort REDTAG Define the Purpose

7 Straighten Sweep Standardize Sustain Sort

8 Straighten Sweep Standardize Sustain Sort

9 Straighten Sweep Standardize Sustain Sort

10 Straighten Sweep Standardize Sustain Sort

11 Why Standardize & Make Visual Why do we standardize ? - Defines a place for everything - Establishes a baseline for continuous improvement Why do we make things visual ? - Promotes adherence to standards - Abnormalities become obvious - Everybody can be inspectors!

12 Discipline In Process Processes require ongoing inspection and follow-up to ensure "Standardized Work" is sustained. Standardize InspectSustain

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