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Domestic Policy The Student Protest Movement And Counterculture.

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Presentation on theme: "Domestic Policy The Student Protest Movement And Counterculture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Domestic Policy The Student Protest Movement And Counterculture

2 Student Activism and Changing Times Many young Americans were not satisfied with the traditional values that were held by their parents As a result of the difference in values the gap between the generations widens

3 Student Protest Movements Students for a democratic Society (SDS) –Very small group that was very influential in starting the New Left Movement –They fought against the war, poverty and racism in the U.S. The New Left Movement –a group that tried to make radical changes with problems such as poverty and racism in the U.S.

4 Student Protest Movements Free Speech Movement –Started at Berkley –A group of students were prevented from handing out leaflets protesting the war –Started a movement by students standing up for their freedom of speech around the country at colleges and universities



7 Student Protest Movements Teach-In Movement –Started by college professors in Michigan in March of 1965 –Professors would have a special night session to discuss the Vietnam war –Started as a discussion by people both for and against the war but turned into an anti-war discussion

8 Resistance to the War Students would do many things to avoid the draft –Going to college –Leaving the country –Being a conscientious objector – opposing fighting in the war on moral grounds

9 Resistance to the War SDS as a major anti-war group –They encouraged people from reporting for duty –They attacked campus ROTC units and buildings –They attacked CIA recruiters –They attacked companies that produced napalm and other war devices –They lead marches in protest of the war

10 Counterculture Woodstock –Music and art fair in upstate New York –400,000 people went and enjoyed the music Hippies – Men and women who self- consciously rejected conventional norms

11 Get Your head together You’re into nature now. Grow a beard. Mexican vest is a good conversation piece. Gives you a chance to talk about the “great weed south of the border Belt made of anything but leather is groovy. In this case, it is extra groovy because the belt is obviously not holding anything up. Raggedy old fur vest. Nice touch Everyone wears jeans. The trick is to keep wearing the same pair until it’s worn out. Then you can patch it. Use store-bought patches with antiestablishment slogans. Wear Sunglasses so people will think you’re stoned Love beads are a must. Shows you are sensitive and antiestablishment. If you’ve got to wear a pullover shirt, it should be dyed long underwear unbuttoned, tie-dye whenever possible. Always preferable: a work shirt Sew a secret stash pocket into the lining of the vest. Tambourine. It shows you’ve got good vibes and your really into music. Also good for panhandling Go barefoot whenever possible particularly where it’s noticeable. Sandals are also acceptable Let your hair grow long, preferably to your shoulders(Women: to mid-back is fine). For best effect don’t comb it 60s Hippie

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