5/24/20151 “DECENT WORK “. 5/24/20152 Components of Decent Work Employment Social protection Workers rights Social dialogue.

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Presentation on theme: "5/24/20151 “DECENT WORK “. 5/24/20152 Components of Decent Work Employment Social protection Workers rights Social dialogue."— Presentation transcript:

1 5/24/20151 “DECENT WORK “

2 5/24/20152 Components of Decent Work Employment Social protection Workers rights Social dialogue

3 5/24/20153 Indicators (employment) Adequate opportunities for work, remuneration, safety and health working conditions.

4 5/24/20154 Indicators- (social protection) Social security Income security (according to each society’s capacity and level of development)

5 5/24/20155 Indicators - ( Workers rights) Social relations of workers Freedom of association Non-discrimination at work Absence of forced labour Absence of child labour Social dialogue

6 5/24/20156 Remunerative employment Workers should benefit from remunerative employment, which is one element of “quality of work”

7 5/24/20157 Conditions of work Night work Hours of work Weekly rest and paid leave Occupational health and safety

8 5/24/20158 Social security Unemployment benefits Sickness benefits Maternity Disability Destitution Old age

9 5/24/20159 Participation at national level Trade unions, employers must participate in the formulation and implementation of social and economic policies bearing on work and livelihoods.

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