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Tournament Design.

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1 Tournament Design

2 4 Common Types of Schedule/Tournaments
Single elimination Double elimination Round Robin Divisional Round Robin Ladder

3 Single Elimination (Bracket Tournament)
Slots may be ranked or drawn May be decided with 2/3 series Lose = Done! Best with powers of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16)

4 Double elimination (Double knock out)
Losing side Winning side More games Allows for a bad game Powers of 2

5 Round Robin (Play each team once)
-Normally for season/league play -typically useful up to 8 teams -Balance home/away games -Record Wins/Losses Visitor Home Time Location 1 2 2:00 Wilsons gym 3 4 5 Bye Etc…. 1- Cougars 2- Bears 3- Jazz 4- Phoenix 5- Bulls

6 1 2 3 4 5 X How to determine games for a RR 1v2 1v3 1v4 1v5 2v3 2v4

7 Divisional Round Robin
-Used often for larger Tournaments and Leagues -Evenly split teams into 2 divisions -Record Wins/losses -Consider PF and PA in event of record ties -Usually crossover games after RR Wins Loss Points PF PA Cougars 3 1 6 82 65 Lions 76 62 Roo’s 2 57 72 Diamonds 4 42 83

8 12 Team Divisional RR 12 Team RR 66 GAMES 30 GAMES
How does this affect your decisions to run a league or Tournament?

9 LADDER Tournament / League
Used primarily in racquet sports New players may enter at the bottom Challenge play against anyone above you (up to 2-3 levels) Must accept challenges! If you win….move up ladder (switch places)

10 Your Task: Make your own Double Elimination Tournament
8 or more teams Make up team names Create a schedule to hand to “coaches” Create a chart for gym wall* Determine a winner


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