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Following the War of 1812 - Nationalism Primary loyalty to the nation rather than region Political – “Era of Good Feelings” Judicial – Marshall (Supreme)Court.

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Presentation on theme: "Following the War of 1812 - Nationalism Primary loyalty to the nation rather than region Political – “Era of Good Feelings” Judicial – Marshall (Supreme)Court."— Presentation transcript:

1 Following the War of 1812 - Nationalism Primary loyalty to the nation rather than region Political – “Era of Good Feelings” Judicial – Marshall (Supreme)Court decisions Increase the power of national government Foreign Policy – Monroe Doctrine Economic – Clay’s American System Development of the Market Revolution

2 Economic Nationalism Henry Clay’s “American System” Plan for expanding a national economy included Government should promote capitalist system High protective tariff Re-charter of the Bank of the U.S. Internal improvements at Federal expense Erie Canal National Road

3 The Market Revolution – Brings changes!!! o People bought & sold goods rather than making them for their own use (“Homespun Era”ends.) - FACTORY SYSTEM- Lowell System; Labor and environmental issues - CONTINENTAL EXPANSION- postal system; Erie Canal; Railroads - Henry Clay’s “American System” - COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE- “King Cotton”; Western grains (Produced specialization by people and regions) (INDUSTRIALIZATION leads to growth of CAPITALISM) o After 1823 - Nationalism gives way to Sectionalism Deepening divisions between the North (the West tended to side with them) and the South To promote the interests of the region rather than that of the nation as a whole

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