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Presentation on theme: "CEREBRAL LATERALITY: RIGHT BRAIN/LEFT BRAIN Dominant brain and dumb brain."— Presentation transcript:


2 SPLIT-BRAIN RESEARCH Split-brain surgery : when the corpus callosum is cut to reduce severity of epileptic seizures Has shown that right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and vice versa

3 SPLIT-BRAIN RESEARCH Roger Sperry and Michael Gazzaniga studies Showed language is housed in the left hemisphere Right hemisphere: visual-spatial tasks (colors, arranging, recognizing)

4 HEMISPHERIC SPECIALIZATION IN THE INTACT BRAIN Perceptual Asymmetries : left-right imbalances btwn cerebral hemispheres in the speed of visual or auditory processing Studied to show which hemisphere is more dominant in certain situations

5 HEMISPHERE SPECIALIZATION Better at: Verbal processing Language, speech, reading, writing Possible: handling emotions, links to schizophrenia Better at: Nonverbal processing Spatial, musical, and visual recognition Possible: expression of emotions, recognition of other’s emotions; classical conditioning, links to depression LEFT HEMISPHERERIGHT HEMISPHERE

6 ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Glands that secrete chemicals ( hormones ) into the bloodstream that help control body functioning 30 different hormones Hypothalamus controls the endocrine system

7 ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Hypothalamus connected to the… Pituitary gland : releases variety of hormones that fan out in the body, stimulating actions in other endocrine glands Pituitary gland is the “master gland” of the endocrine system

8 HEREDITY AND BEHAVIOR Behavioral genetics: interdisciplinary field that studies the influence of genetic factors on behavioral traits

9 CHROMOSOMES AND GENES Chromosomes: strands of DNA molecules that carry genetic info. 46 chromosomes (23 pairs, 1 chromosome from each parent) Each chromosome contains Genes : DNA segments that serve as the key functional units in hereditary transmission

10 CHROMOSOMES AND GENES Homozygous condition : two genes in specific pair are the same Heterozygous condition: 2 genes in a specific pair are different When heterozygous, the dominant gene is expressed

11 GENOTYPE VS. PHENOTYPE Genotype : a person’s genetic makeup Phenotype : ways in which a person’s genotype is manifested in observable characteristics

12 POLYGENIC INHERITANCE Polygenic traits : characteristics that are influenced by more than one pair of genes Most human characteristics are polygenic

13 RESEARCH METHODS FOR INVESTIGATING HEREDITARY INFLUENCE Family studies : examining blood relatives to see how much they resemble one another on a specific trait Shows traits that “run in the family” Only correlative

14 RESEARCH METHODS CONTINUED Twin studies : comparing the resemblance of identical and fraternal twins w/respect to a trait Identical (monozygotic) twins : one zygote, split Fraternal (dizygotic) twins: 2 eggs fertilized by different sperm cells, 2 separate zygotes

15 RESEARCH METHODS CONTINUED Adoption studies : examining resemblance btwn adopted children and both their biological and adoptive parents Usually done only with babies given up at birth

16 GENETIC MAPPING Def: process of determining the location and chemical sequence of specific genes on specific chromosomes Technology only allows for single gene mapping Most human traits are polygenic

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