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The Art & Science of Charisma The 7 Secrets of Public Speaking

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Presentation on theme: "The Art & Science of Charisma The 7 Secrets of Public Speaking"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Art & Science of Charisma The 7 Secrets of Public Speaking
Richard Greene

2 Secret #1 - 3 Words: Voice Tone: Body Language: 100%

3 Secret #1 - 3 Words: % Voice Tone: 38% Body Language: 55%

4 Secret #1 Words User Friendly vs. Jargon Stories vs. Unending Data

5 Secret #2 Voice Tone Variation Volume Pace Pitch

6 Secret #2 Voice Tone 2. Punc – tu – a - tion By Word By Syllable

7 Secret #2 Voice Tone 3. Resonance

8 Secret #2 Voice Tone 4.The…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Pause

9 “The Body Always Speaks First”
Secret #3 Body Language “The Body Never Lies” “The Body Always Speaks First”

10 “The Body Language of Listening”
Secret #3 Body Language Posture 2. Eye Contact 3. Gesture Movement “The Body Language of Listening”

11 The Lasered, Compelling Message
Secret #4 The Lasered, Compelling Message “The Only Thing to Fear is Fear Itself” “ The Luckiest Man On The Face Of The Earth” “I Have Nothing To Offer But Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat” “Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You “ “Ich Bin Ein Berliner” “I Have A Dream”

12 Secret #4 The Lasered, Compelling Message
Connection with Audience Your Lasered, Compelling Message (as provocative Theme vs. Topic) Sub-Theme Supporting Material: 1. Statistics 2. Stories 3. Photos/Videos 4. Personal Analysis, etc. B. Sub-Theme C. Sub-Theme III. Conclusion

13 Secret #4 Marketing What is Unique
The Lasered, Compelling, Message Marketing What is Unique 2. How does that “Uniqueness” benefit THEM

14 The Communication Effectiveness Continuum
Secret #5 The Communication Effectiveness Continuum Performance Presentation Conversation Being - 0___________________5______________10 + G “At” “To” “With”

15 “The Non-Verbals of Conversation” LISTENING
The Audience is ALWAYS “Talking”

16 The Non-Verbals of Conversation
ENERGY MASTERY “The Invisible Side of Public Speaking” You are 100% responsible for the audience’s experience ENERGY creates experience (Quantity and Quality) You can take any audience anywhere by Listening to/”PACING” the energy of the room “POURING” your energy into the room “LEADING” to a higher energy Charismatic speakers create an endless CIRCLE of Energy and take the audience to a “higher” frequency!

17 The Hierarchy of Energy
700 – 1000: Enlightenment 600: Peace 540: Joy 500: Love 400: Reason 350: Acceptance 310: Willingness 250: Neutrality 200: Courage 175: Pride 150: Anger 125: Desire 100: Fear 75: Grief 50: Apathy 30: Guilt 20: Shame “Power vs. Force”, Dr. David Hawkins

18 Secret #6 The Four Languages Speak . . . One Fluently: Intolerable
Two Fluently: Average Three Fluently: Excellent Four Fluently: Charismatic Superstar

19 Secret #6 The Four Languages Visual Auditory Auditory Kinesthetic
Digital Attributes Creative Thoughtful Analytical Warm High Energy Articulate Thorough Connects Inspiring Informative Fascinating Soulful Liabilities Frenetic Uninspiring Anal Too Slow Superficial “Average” Impersonal Too Sensitive Body Fast Conversational Anal Slow Language Animated Average Contracted Sensuous Spontaneous “Normal” Controlled Fluid Free “Normal” Up-tight Solid

20 Secret #6 Visual Auditory Auditory Digital Kinesthetic
Words: “Look”, “Listen “Analyze” “Feel” “See” “Hear” “Detail” “Grasp” “Picture” “Understand” “Specific” “Smell” Voice Tone Fast Conversational Analytical Slow Loud Conversational Soft or Loud Soft High pitch Medium pitch Low-ish Low Body Fast Conversational Anal Slow Language Animated Average Contracted Sensuous Spontaneous “Normal” Controlled Fluid Free “Normal” Up-tight Solid

21 Secret #6 The Four Languages Visual Auditory Auditory Digital

22 Secret #6 The Four Languages Visual Auditory Auditory Digital

23 The 14 Combinations of Humans
Secret #6 The Four Languages The 14 Combinations of Humans One Language Humans: Visual Auditory Auditory Digital Kinesthetic Two Language Humans Visual – Auditory Visual – Auditory Digital Visual – Kinesthetic Auditory – Auditory Digital Auditory – Kinesthetic Auditory Digital – Kinesthetic Three Language Humans Visual – Auditory – Auditory Digital Visual – Auditory – Kinesthetic Auditory – Auditory Digital – Kinesthetic Four Language Humans 1. Visual – Auditory – Audiitory Digital - Kinesthetic

24 Secret #7 Authentic Passion

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