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How to Participate Today Open and close your Panel View, Select, and Test your audio Submit text questions Raise your hand Q&A addressed at the end of.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Participate Today Open and close your Panel View, Select, and Test your audio Submit text questions Raise your hand Q&A addressed at the end of."— Presentation transcript:


2 How to Participate Today Open and close your Panel View, Select, and Test your audio Submit text questions Raise your hand Q&A addressed at the end of today’s session Everyone will receive an email within 24 hours with a link to view a recorded version of today’s session

3 Agenda Upgrades to MCO Admin website Profile – email notifications Last Date of Attendance workflow Drop Requests Course Availability Financial Aid Check Workflow Financial Aid Summary report Degrees Input Form Questions & Input

4 User Account Upgrades Roles MCO Admin Financial Aid View Only Contact Only Email Notifications By default – MCO Admins get all except for Financial Aid Workflow notification

5 Update your profile


7 Last Day of Attendance Workflow


9 Drop Requests

10 Withdrawal after refund date


12 Course Availability You will not receive a Course Availability Check workflow if: 1.You have reserved seats for MCO on the course upload template. 2.You use Banner SIS Integration work is beginning for: 1.Colleague systems 2.Jenzabar systems

13 Financial Aid Check Request Workflow

14 Financial Aid Enrollment Summary



17 Financial Aid Drop Notification

18 Degrees



21 Business Rules for Semesters Open date - The open date is the first day this semester becomes available for MCO enrollment administrator interaction, including uploading your semester schedules. Active date - The active date is the first day this semester's classes become available for student registration at Michigan Colleges Online website. Beginning date - The beginning date is the first day a class can begin on to be considered within this semester. Ending date - The ending date is the last day a class can begin on to be considered within this semester.

22 Business Rules for Semesters

23 Questions - Suggestions

24 Michigan Colleges Online Admin Website


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