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Ancient Rome Dossier 2.. Relationship between Rome and Conquered People. ●Rome influenced countries it conquered but also was influenced by them as well.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Rome Dossier 2.. Relationship between Rome and Conquered People. ●Rome influenced countries it conquered but also was influenced by them as well."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Rome Dossier 2.

2 Relationship between Rome and Conquered People. ●Rome influenced countries it conquered but also was influenced by them as well. ●Rome enjoyed a sense of peace, infrastructure, trade network, and a rich culture. ●Roman Peace = “Pax Romana” ○ it increased the number of people (population) and increased the quality of life of the citizens.

3 Infrastructure Romans built wherever they went. They built roads and aqueducts.

4 Roman Roads The Romans had a huge empire that needed to be connected. They used the roads for: -Trade -Transport -Communicate Nearly 90000 Km

5 Appian Way. The appian way (312 BC) ●first paved roadway in history ●connected Capua to Rome ●still exists today.

6 Aqueducts. Built to transport water between cities and water sources. Water used for institutions, homes, and bath houses. ●Rome had 12 aqueducts


8 Pont du Garde. (France) Aqueducts are composed of: -covered trenches -tunnels -pressurized pipes -walls -arcades Pont du Garde allowed an aqueduct go over the Gardon River.

9 Trade. ●Traders followed the army and used the roads that the legionaries built to export and import products. ○ provided Rome with: ■ Natural resources ■ Finished products ■ slaves

10 Slaves. ●Slave labour made producing products cheap. Slaves sometimes rebelled BUT dealt with harshly.

11 Conquered Peoples. ●Gave Rome taxes ($) ○ used to pay for the army and the government, public buildings, and to pay for “bread and circuses” ●Bread and Circuses: ○ food and shows ○ The emperor used them to keep public opinion on his side.

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