Latin I&II discipuli, Review this Power Point Presentation for Monday.

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1 Latin I&II discipuli, Review this Power Point Presentation for Monday

2 1.It took 8 years to construct 2.Started under Vespasian (hence its other name, Flavian amphitheater), finished in AD 80 under Titus. 3.What important event happened during the reign of Titus in AD 79? 4.Colosseum can seat up to 50,000 spectators. 5.Used for gladiatorial battles and mock sea battles.

3 1.Ancient Roman chariot racing stadium. 2.Circus was associated with ludi, games during Roman religious festivals. 3.Aediles would organize the games.

4 1.Commisioned by Marcus Agrippa under Augustus (27 BC), and rebuilt by Emperor Hadrian in AD 126. 2.Legends: M·AGRIPPA·L·F·COS·TERTIUM·FECIT 3.Temple to all the gods. 4. Pantheon's dome is still the world's largest unreinforced concrete dome.

5 Temple of Vesta a) Vesta is the goddess of the hearth (State hearth of Rome) b) eternal fire of Rome c) kept by Vestal Virgins (had to remain virgins till the age of 40; death penalty for an affair) Curia a) Senate house b) amicus curiae (Lat. friend of the court)

6 Via Appia -- was one of the earliest and strategically most important Roman roads. It connected Rome to Brundisium, port in southeast Italy. Column of Trajan a) Under emperor Trajan (AD 98-117), Roman Empire expanded to an unprecedented degree (greatest territory in Roman history). b) Column of Trajan commemorates Trajan’s victories in the Dacian Wars, fought in modern-day Romania (AD 101-102; AD 105-106).

7 Arch of Titus a.Constructed in AD 82 by emperor Domitian to commemorate the victory of his brother Titus in the Jewish War. b.The southern panel depicts spoils of the Temple of Jerusalem. Arch of Constantine a.Dedicated in AD 315. b.Commemorates the victory over Maxentius in the battale of Milvian Bridge. c.Constantine endorsed Christianity as one of the “legitimate” religions of Roman Empire.

8 a.Large palace built by emperor Nero (AD 54-68) in the center of Rome after the great fire in AD. 64. b.Nero was a particularly cruel emperor. He poisoned the Britannicus, heir to the Roman throne, killed his mother Agrippina, drove multiple individuals to suicide, including philosopher Seneca.


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