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in advance 1 1.Kırıntı Café is so popular and highly in demand among diners in İstanbul that you have to ______________________________ well in advance.

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Presentation on theme: "in advance 1 1.Kırıntı Café is so popular and highly in demand among diners in İstanbul that you have to ______________________________ well in advance."— Presentation transcript:


2 in advance 1 1.Kırıntı Café is so popular and highly in demand among diners in İstanbul that you have to ______________________________ well in advance 1 if you want to find a place to dine. 2.To _________________ the best personnel _________________, Kırıntı restaurant displays the photo of the awarded employee on the wall in an easily noticeable corner. unique 3 ambience 2 3.If a restaurant not only meets the best standards in food quality and service, but it also has a unique 3 ambience 2, there is no reason for it not to ______________________________. diners 4 4.I was surprised to learn that my English teacher intends to _____________________________ when he retires. I can’t imagine him welcoming diners 4 and coordinating the work in the kitchen. 5.It wasn’t hard to ______________________________ following the instructions in the recipe book, but if I hadn’t managed to find the exotic ingredients, it would have been an impossible task. 1.Before something is expected to happen 2.The way a place makes you feel 1ACHIEVE 2COOK UP A 3BOOK 4RUN 5HONOUR ☻ A TABLEPUBLICLY DELICIOUS RECIPE FAME A CAFE 1 2 3 4 5 ACHIEVE FAME BOOK A TABLE HONOUR ACHIEVE FAME RUN A CAFE COOK A DELICIOUS RECIPE 3.The only one of its kind 4.Someone who is eatin in a restaurant COOK UP A DELICIOUS RECIPE BOOK A TABLE RUN A CAFE HONOUR ☻ PUBLICLY PUBLICLY

3 sulky 1 cheeky 2 1.In order to bring more colour to the cookery programme, the producers replaced the sulky 1 chef with a rather cheeky 2 and sensational one. Well, this ____________________________________ and shortly after, the ratings of the programme inclined dramatically. 2.For years, the café had served as a modest dining place, but when it was taken over by a former Hollywood star, it ______________________________ and became one of the favourite eateries of the city. mirth 3 3.Well, the new cook we hired ____________________________, but this doesn’t mean he is mucking about. In fact, he is a unique person who manages to put together work and mirth 3. 4.Aunt Cassandra has many guests for the night, and I am not sure whether she can cook her recipes alone. I suggest ______________________________. decade 4 thespians 5 remarkable 6 5.In the recent decade 4, we have seen that it is not always musicians and thespians 5 who ____________ _____________________ all of a sudden and gain remarkable 6 publicity. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be multi-millionaire chefs who enjoy the fame they have achieved so quickly at a very young age. 1.Someone who keeps wearing a frowning expression 2.Rude or disrespectful, sometimes in a way that is amusing 3.Laughter and happiness 1 BE CATAPULTED 2 HELP ☻ OUT 3 GO DOWN WELL 4GET 5 HAVE A LAUGH INTO THE LIMELIGHTWITH EVERYBODY IN THE KITCHEN WITH THE AUDIENCE ☻ ’s BIG BREAK 1 2 3 4 5 BE CATAPULTED INTO THE LIMELIGHT WENT DOWN WELL WITH THE AUDIENCE GOT ITS BIG BREAK HAS A LAUGH WITH EVERYONE HELPING HER OUT IN THE KITCHEN INTO THE LIMELIGHT 4.A period of 10 years 5.Actors 6.Something that deserves attention or praise HELP ☻ OUT IN THE KITCHEN GO DOWN WELL WITH THE AUDIENCE GET ☻ ’s BIG BREAK HAVE A LAUGH WITH EVERYBODY ARE CTAPULTED

4 Click for a sentence transformation exercise. Use the key word that appears on the right to complete the sentence with a maximum of 4 other words. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION With her first debut album, Gaga shot to fame. with her debut album. Gaga was INTO catapulted into the limelight The diners have liked the new decoration of the restaurant. The new decoration of the restaurant has WELL gone down well with the The restaurant became famous after the movie star owned it. The restaurant ITS got its big break There are some performers who shoot to success at a very early age. Some performing artists ACHIEVE acieve fame when they The cafe that Robert owns is very trendy among the people in town. Robert is CAFE running a cafe are too young. which is so ppular in town. COLLOCATIONS diners. after it was taken over by the movie star.

5 redundancies 1 1.Unfortunately, some of the staff in the kitchen started ______________________________, and I think I must consider redundancies 1. wallow 2 pathetic 3 2.Jason was a juvenile delinquent who had no promising future. However, an opportunity came along and he was chosen to be one of the fifteen young people who were to be filmed learning to cook to become a chef. Unfortunately, he preferred to wallow 2 in self pity and _________________________ about his pathetic 3 life instead of concentrating on this opportunity. whiff 4 3.The guests would be turning up in an hour’s time. A whiff 4 of burning turkey reached Rachel’s nose, and ___________________________, she remembered forgetting to turn off the oven. dined 5 4.The music in a restaurant is almost always soothing. However, I dined 5 with a rocker girlfriend in a hard rock café with _____________________________ on, which was a hell of an experience. specialties 6 5.The restaurant offers a wide variety of specialties 6 from the world cuisine cooked by the most experienced chefs of the city, making it ______________________________. 1.A situation in which people are made to leave their jobs 2.To seem to enjoy being sad instead of facing up to problems 3.Something making you feel pitiful or sad about itself 1BLARING 2THE MOST TALKED 3BUNK OFF 4TELL ☻ 5TO ☻ ’s SOB STORIESHORROR MUSIC ABOUT EATERY WORK 1 2 3 4 5 BLARING MUSIC BUNKING OFF WORK TELL PEOPLE SOB STORIES TO HER HORROR BLARING MUSIC THE MOST TALKED ABOUT EATERY 4.A slight smell of something 5.To eat dinner in a restaurant 6.A type of food that a restaurant or area is well known for THE MOST TALKED ABOUT EATERY BUNK OFF WORK TELL ☻ SOB STORIES TO ☻ ’s HORROR

6 fall out 1 1.I think we don’t have enough room for the two very experienced chefs we hired for the restaurant. They frequently fall out 1 with each other over so simple matters, and I am fed up with their frequent ______________________________. pathetic 2 intensive 3 2.A ______________________________ can sometimes create wonders. My wife, who was pathetic 2 at cooking, started cooking delicious recipes all thanks to the ten day intensive 3 course she took. flavourings 4 3.Nutritionists frequently warn people against the dangers of artificial colourings and flavourings 4 in ______________________________. 4.What the visiting nutritionist told the students attending the conference about unhealthy eating habits ______________________________. issues 5 5.Under eating to look like stick thin models is a threatening obsession among young girls, which seems to be spreading very quickly. The authorities are afraid that this may ________________ the whole nation __________________, which will raise nationwide serious health issues 5. 1.To have a quarrel with a person 2.Something making you feel pitiful or sad about itself 3.Consisting of a lot of activity or effort in a short period of time 1STORM 2CRASH 3TAKE (a place) 4GET EVERYONE 5PROCESSED COURSEFOOD BY STORM IN A TEACUP THINKING 1 2 3 4 5 STORM IN A TEACUP STORMS IN A TEACUP CRASH COURSE PROCESSED FOODS GOT EVERYONE THINKING TAKE 4.A substance used to add something a particular taste 5.A subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about CRASH COURSE TAKE a place BY STORM GET EVERYONE THINKING PROCESSED FOOD BY STORM

7 Click for a sentence transformation exercise. Use the key word that appears on the right to complete the sentence with a maximum of 4 other words. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION Gaga has created a lot of global stir with her music and style. storm. Gaga has WORLD taken the whole world by Las Chicas has become the most popular eatery in Ankara. Las Chicas has become the ABOUT most talked about eatery They are quarrelling over such a simple matter. Their quarrel is nothing but a IN storm in a teacup. I am fed up listening to his complaints about his life. I have had enough of SOB his sob stories. What the panellist said had a thought provoking effect on the audience. The words of the panelist GOT got the audience thinking. COLLOCATIONS in Ankara.

8 contract 1 1.People who aren’t careful with their ______________________________ are more likely to contact dangerous bacteria and contract 1 relative sickness. 2.I don’t think that Jason will be able to keep on dieting while his wife is so enthusiastically taking ______________________________. He stands no chance. mustard 2 3.At lunch, Lucy ate a sandwich made with ______________________________ stuffed with roast beef, Gouda cheese, fresh lettuce leaves and some savoury mustard 2. whiff 3 soaked 4 scrumptious 5 stalks 6 4.Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken is most diners’ favourite ______________________________ in Kırıntı Café. The whiff 3 of cream soaked 4 curls of scrumptious 5 fettuccine stalks 6 blend with fragrant basil and reach your nose tantalizingly, making you desperate to order a second helping. puffy 7 oozing 8 condiments 9 swig 10 5. The hot burger warmed the puffy 7 bread which also included oozing 8 cheddar cheese, lettuce leaves, onion rings and a blend of savoury condiments 9. Alice first took a bite from the still steaming hamburger, and then she took a huge swig 10 from her ___________________________ before losing herself in the wonders of excellent taste. 1.To develop a certain disease 2.‘Hardal’ as in Turkish 3.A slight smell of something 4.Wet with the liquid around it 5.Delicious 1COOKERY 2FIZZY 3PERSONAL 4PASTA 5WHOLEMEAL HYGIENEDISH DRINK CLASSES BREAD 1 2 3 4 5 COKERY CLASSES PERSONAL HYGIENE COOKERY CLASSES WHOLEMEAL BREAD PASTA DISH FIZZY DRINK 6.A thin upright object 7.Soft and full of air 8.The slow flowing action of some thick fluid 9.A powder or liquid added to give a special taste to food 10.To drink something in large mouthfulls FIZZY DRINK PERSONAL HYGIENE PASTA DISH WHOLEMEAL BREAD

9 savouring 1 tender 2 1.After savouring 1 the tender 2 steak in his mouth, Jason ___________________________ from his wine. binging on 3 2.______________________________ is as unhealthy as binging on 3 food. Instead of going to the extremes, everyone should consider eating in moderation. 3.It is no wonder Sandra didn’t eat lunch yesterday. Lately, she has been in the habit of ______________________________ and starving herself to death when everyone else is enjoying their meals in the cafeteria. anxiety stricken 4 4.Fifteen teenagers were to be filmed learning to cook in Jamie’s show, and Brianna was worried about not getting noticed ahead of other applicants. Luckily, hearing her name among the winners ______________________________ to the anxiety stricken 4 poor Brianna. 5.Michelle is ______________________________ for over a hundred guests, and I think she will need an army of friends to help her out in the kitchen! 1.To fully enjoy the taste of something 2.Tender food is well cooked, and therefore easy to cut and eat 1HOST A 2TAKE A 3LIVE ON A 4SKIP 5COME AS A DINNER PARTYSIP RELIEF STRICT DIET MEALS 1 2 3 4 5 HOST A DINNER PARTY TOOK A SIP SKIPPING MEALS LIVING ON A STRICT DIET CAME AS A RELIEF HOSTING A DINNER PARTY 3.To do too much of something, such as eating or drinking, in a short period of time 4.Very badly affected by worry TAKE A SIP LIVE ON A STRICT DIET SKIP MEALS COME AS A RELIEF

10 Click for a sentence transformation exercise. Use the key word that appears on the right to complete the sentence with a maximum of 4 other words. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION I realised with horror that I had burnt the duck in the oven. I realised I had burnt the duck in the oven. MY To my horror, For months, Sally has been starving herself dieting. For months, Sally has been LIVING living on a strict diet. People who don’t care about being clean fall ill more often. People who don’t mind PERSONAL personal hygiene The arrival of help ended our apprehension. The arrival of help AS came as a relief Sally is learning to cook. Sally is TAKING taking cookery classes. to us. COLLOCATIONS are more likely to contract a disease.

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