Auxiliary Verbs ENG 110 Prof. K. Horowitz. “Have, Has, & Had” The family of “have” verbs always occur before the past participle {-en} form of the main.

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1 Auxiliary Verbs ENG 110 Prof. K. Horowitz

2 “Have, Has, & Had” The family of “have” verbs always occur before the past participle {-en} form of the main verb to express completed action. EX: The critics have written their reviews. The critics had written their reviews. In the present tense, the “have” verb creates the present-perfect tense of the verb. EX: A bright green bird has nested there. Note that all three forms of the “have” verb can be used as a main verb as well, since they fit the requirements. EX:Tom has the book. You had the courage to tell me.

3 Auxiliary “Be” Verbs Like the “have” verbs, “be” verbs can function as main verbs as well. EX:I am a really lucky guy! When acting in an auxiliary mode, “be” verbs help to indicate tense in the present progressive tense: EX: Tim is speaking to the director. They can signal the passive voice as well. EX: She was written a ticket by the police officer.

4 “Do, Does, Did, & Done” These verbs are used in a myriad of fashions, such as to create questions: EX:Do you know Tim? To form negatives: EX:I don’t want that TV set after all. To make emphatic statements: EX: The moon does look like a big pizza pie tonight! The “Do” verbs can also function as main verbs in a multitude of functions: EX:I will do all the work. I wonder what Mary did after college.

5 Try Your Luck! See if you can identify the auxiliary verb type of the following verb. was HasAux. beDo

6 Let’s try another one! have Aux. beDoHas

7 Practice Exercises Identify the auxiliary verb in each sentence. The man has gone home. Mike had become the new president. We were thinking of you today. I am walking to school at sunrise tomorrow. Andy had eaten all the pie by himself. Did you take my picture? You have seen too much, Mr. Bond! I didn’t go to the beach this past Saturday. Tom does like that orange juice! Jack was sitting all alone at lunch today.

8 Awesome work! Be sure to try out the next module!

9 Success!

10 Incorrect! Please Try Again.

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